
To be fair, they’re not facing down Felix Leiter or Jason Bourne. They’re flinging poo at the douche bag son of some congressman’s wealthy donor buddy who had the connections to get him a posh government job where he couldn’t do any real harm.

Love Sinead forever but when someone has that many children who won’t speak to them... it tells me that she has put them through an awful lot. I hope she gets the help she needs but this is certainly not their fault.

That's no moon. It's... A LAMP!

looking at some of the entries in this list, “based on a true story” must mean that the writers have, at some point in their lives, heard a true story.

What am I missing? Are baby bodies worse at keeping them warm than adults? Cause 70 is perfect temperature for me.

But there’s “bad” and then there’s just “dumb” or “I don’t like this any more”. My PSN ID is tied to something between my ex-wife and I. At the time it was cute and fun, as we bought the PS3 together. Now it’s just a stupid reminder of a dumb name and a failed relationship.

I feel like at some point, prosecuting people like this is kind of ridiculous. If I attacked someone with a pool noodle, and had every intention of beating them to death with it, I don’t think I would get attempted murder. By that same token, people who are this incompetent and get charged with things like computer

No, no it’s not.

FACT: We live in the one of the safest countries in the safest time in human history. And things are only getting safer. I know news articles don’t make it feel that way, but that’s kind of the point of sensationalism-based news.

1. Stop watching TED. It’s become a mind-numbing mutual masturbation group of snake-oil sellers similar to Oprah’s Book Club.

Before Redemption, I’ll give you that, but we live in a time with Red Dead Redemption now. With such a game in our lives, Revolver is... well... forgotten.

All I know about Nantucket is Wings, and that’s all I need to know.

They can pry my drone from my cold, dead, dad fingers.

“The incident that happened a few days prior” is that a black sounding person called their store and then showed up a little before closing time in a car with dealer plates (although the store, and initially the police, made it sound like there was a lot more to that incident—but please let me know if I’m missing

What exactly do you think this phrase means? Because the only thing I can come up with is “they sound black.”

It isn’t that they look the same. The source article says it really was Henson and co. that came by the Friday before and who made the calls about their closing time that prompted the calls to the police. The Police ran the plates and called the dealership and were told that the dealership didn’t know who the car

Lmao at these replies. I was being 100% sarcastic. I couldn't fucking care less about this shit. Jesus Christ people are fucking crazy sensitive on this site.

the true nightmare was hunting down those friggin beer bottles in the junkyard part of the stealth section. never again.

I get that it's old and a lot of it's innovations and standard now, but there's so much Half Life and Half Life 2 have to offer that most newer mainstream games just kinda abandoned. Because you need to regularly find health and ammo exploration gives you something useful and important, instead of say an audio log or