
Lyle Lanley? Is that you? You old so and so! How the hell you been?

Awesome research! Soon I'll be posting a blog about what marijuana strain goes best with which video games. Because science!

I vote for the AIDS one. Wait, what is this?

Jagen H’Ghar Reacts to comment about Reacts comment.


Sorry to break it to you but there is no “real” My Little Pony.


You call that an erection? Please.

It belongs to us all!

You had to be there.

I'm not sure how valid your point is but I do know for certain that you are a cunt.

I'll trade you for one neighbor who uses a weed eater at 9:30 at night.

Astute observation young padwan, the farts is strong with you.

That was my exact same criticism of Seinfelds’ comedy.

Same reason that internet commenters are all annoying, whiney assholes, because people suck.

If this was pewdie pie than I would agree but Miranda is not just another screaming video game player, she's developed an actual character at least. She reminds me of Kaufman, there I said it.

Conspiracy much?

LOL! I’m not familiar with property values in calumet county but around here a $350,000 house is nice but certainly not something that would secure you a position in an abuse victims panties. To me that was the standout line from the series.

Agreed, despite the fact that it made no sense I still held on hope, but anything less than 500 would have been crazy cheap for what it is.

Hey, Monty Python may be old and irrelevant but don't you dare insult it.