
You misinterpreted, I’m high as shit on the word of God. Now you feel foolish for being so judgmental don’t you? J/k I do HUGE dabs.

I’m high as shit and those first two sentences are really fucking with me, I’ve read them many many times and have no fucking clue what the second one is supposed to say.

In the first paragraph it should say 16tb and not 16gb, I'm assuming.

Ha ha! Thin Finn.

Sick burn bro.

Sounds like engrish.

Jack off and go see stars wars again.

No mention of the Weismann score?!? Shoddy journalism.

Yes, and you’re in the basement so the window opens up to dirt.

Yet here we are.

Ha! Impossible, the battle station is heavily shielded and carries a firepower greater than half the star fleet.

I’m embarrassed to even say it, The_Stoner_Ninja. I feel your pain. I refuse to give up my game saves and online accounts but my daughter is now a tween and has played under my account. There’s not much I can say to her about it but, “make good decisions!”

Dafuq are you referencing?

I dunno, anyone who preys on gullible people that believe in “magic” and communication with “spirits” is pretty evil, much like some doddering old man who preys on scared gullible people. And then tells them that if they play video games they will experience eternal damnation. He also is evil. Or dumb, yea I think

It was a pretty shitty move to incite attacks on the business that was in the vicinity of the incident. Seems like she had a shitty experience with a shitty person in front of some more shitty people. From what I know about New York it sounds like par for the course. And to go as far as to say that all women will be

You're a monster.

Agreed, I meant it was not worth mentioning.

You shut your mouth about Red Dead Revolver, it may not have been a perfect game, but up until Redemption came out it was the best western game around. And don’t even mention “Gun” or I’ll tie you to the train tracks.

I still have nightmares about the PS3 load times for gta.
