
That's exactly the type of shit people who jump trains tell each other to distract themselves from the fact that they are panhandling vagrants.


I had just assumed that my video games were already simulating this effect, but after hearing the differentiation of binaural and 5.1 I know see what an amazing difference a true 3d audio experience would make. Step up yo shit, game makers.

You have poor reading comprehension and clearly didn't click the link.

Cellulite? Because in my church going experience that's fairly standard attire for those flubby old bitty's.

While there may be an overwhelming number of them in South Florida, Central Florida definitely has their fair share. Surveying the swamps along the I4 corridor I have seen plenty of them. My boss being a motorcycle riding, leather wearing, snake lover, (you know the type) would get irate when I would hack them up with

I'm gonna go ahead and be the asshole here and say that she has not held up that well at all for a 47 year old woman, 57 maybe. Jennifer Aniston is only 1 year younger and looks like she could be Cindy's daughter. While she may look like an average woman of her age, an average woman never stopped traffic or got

He's a medical doctor, not a scientist. He wins a different category.

Who the hell is Wally? You probably call aluminum "aluminium" and cookies "biscuits." Take a hike you limey son of a gun.

Apparently I'm into fat chicks, who knew?

Blazingly, duh.

O.k. I see, but in that case it would be more of a Mickey and Mallory relationship than an abductor, captive situation.

If you watched you would have heard that his assertion is that Bowser was her father, he's obviously the king of something and she's a princess.

That's funny, I viewed Transylvania as another Sandler hunk of crap and Guardians to be formulaic and cliched. Ralph on the other hand was the shit. You're probably more of a lower common denominator type, that's cool, a lot of great movies lack mass appeal.

Makes me want to get really on high on heroin (or whatever) and binge watch New Girl.

You're old, cangrats.

Chem-trails! FEMA camps! Building 7!

Where is your hydrophobic God now?

Discrepancies? Maybe?

He sleeps in a three piece suit, does yard work in only his underwear and wears wife beaters only under his button ups.