

No way is Sophia the next Martha Stewart. Sophia is the next Jennifer ____________. The names sound nice because they're uncommon to our age group, but they're going to be everywhere in 5-10 years as these kids start infiltrating pop culture.

Demonizing fat people doesn't help. He's a bad fucking person, size has nothing to do with it.

I think people were always getting raped, we've just finally gotten to the point where some people feel safe talking about it.

For anyone who criticizes women for not reporting rape, or for taking a long time to come forward (I'm talking about those people who refuse to believe the allegations against Bill Cosby), you can see in this interview how hard it is for any woman to talk about it or admit that it happened to them. Even years later,

Howard Stern has evolved into quite the interviewer. He's able to elicit a lot of really personal stuff in a fairly non-invasive manner. Quite the change over the last 30 years.

Good. Fuck him and his Bieber hair.

I want a transformer dress that turns into a stretch limo. Though it's probably be really heavy.

So pregnancy isn't a disability, yet we're required to apply for short term disability insurance in order to get paid during maternity leave? This really makes sense, America.

But they are playing with fire, because if it comes out, profits, starting with the very big deal of declining advertising revenue, are going to start drying up. My point is that they could put pressure on the offenders and treat their behavior as a risk, but they don't. Instead, they treat the victims as the risk,

WOW, the fact that they would accommodate drivers who lost licenses because of DUIs but not pregnant women is disgusting. When I sold cars being able to drive and being able to be insured was an integral part of the job, and it was made very, very clear to me that a DUI meant automatic firing. But a UPS driver who was

Come on now. Pregnancy is your own fault. You don't deserve special accommodations for something you choose to do, as opposed to something outside your control like losing your license due to repeat DUIs.

Come on, USA, it's about time you earned the term first world country and implemented several weeks of maternity leave before and at least half a year after someone gives birth. Paid maternity leave, of course. It might even help with abortion rates, because people are more inclined to have a baby, when they know they

Judging all unions by the acts of one shady one isn't logical. Typically (in my experience at least) they step in and help. For example, many of the unions I have worked with would have helped her find an affordable attorney to sue his ass, if nothing could be accomplished through the internal grievance-arbitration

I am continually amazed at the degree to which popularity acts as teflon for these famous, superficially "beloved" predators like Ghomeshi, Cosby, Rolf Harris and Jimmy Saville, et al. It's beyond contemptible that those in a position of authority over these people, and make no mistake, the people who control the

"his name noah a covenant of the arc which is my family"


All dogs go to heaven, especially dogs like him.

I think this is Noah as a puppy, from the owner's facebook- RIP Noah.

Ok, #teamdog, you win this round.