
Idk, I think it's very different when historically marginalized groups create spaces for themselves than when a dominant group does the same, because EVERYWHERE is the dominant group's space. Like, if this group was a bunch of white adventurers saying "no blacks allowed" we would all be throwing major shade.

I agree with your position on this. I think the only issue that comes up, and it isn't necessarily this particular club's fault or problem in this case, is when there is no available equivalent for women to participate in an activity or club they'd like to have access to. So, as you say, I hope maybe this will spur on

Completely agree. Fat, thin, tattoos, piercings, outfits, small penis, small boobs, freckles, moles, balding, too hairy, too tall, too short, eyes too wide, eyes too close, etc... why does anyone care so much about other peoples shit.

Fuck all this bs, I would rather everyone just be happy, their "looks" are none of my

It doesn't go into the regular blood supply — it helps treating people suffering from Ebola.

Man. It's really not too often you come across a literal first world problem.

This guy is awesome. Perhaps Rick Scott should take some notes that the secret to longevity might be living a positive life and staying busy giving back.

A balanced diet, with fruits and VEGGIES (veggies capitalized because people generally miss that one). Everything in moderation. You can eat red meat every day, just try to keep the portions down, try to limit it to one meal a day. You can have a dessert with every meal, but for breakfast or lunch try fruit or sugar

All the way to the motherfuckin' top.

They're in the notorious Buddy Christ gang.

I always imagine their rationale is "But I'm pretty and girly and I don't hate men and I want them to like me. I can't be a feminist." And I am rolling my eyes right along with you.

I have always thought if this happened to me, I would fight off my attacker because if he takes me, I am dead. She did fight, fought hard, still got abducted. Scares shit out of me.

Their tactics are so very subtle and stealthy. At no point do you ever suspect something weird is going on or wonder "Jesus, what the fuck is up with these guys?" It's like being sexually harassed by a rhinoceros dipped in neon paint.

I actually feel sorry for these guys. The more they get into this delusional stuff, the more unlikely it is that they'll ever make those human connections they desperately crave, which means the more attracted they'll be the bitter and delusional stuff, which means it will only be harder to make those human

Blanc is an enormous dickhead, even by the standards of the pickup artist field, a field that's crowded with dickheads, a field that is really more dick than field.

actually it's about ethics in games journalism.

That's another thing that pisses me off about comedians who dabble in racist comedy or outright lament about being PC. In their warped minds they think not being a racist is somehow the status quo, and they're just being so edgy. There's nothing edgy about being a racist comedian in a country like the US.

White dude needs to tell us about his dick. News at 11.

"I also noticed she was black. I then thought it would be funny to tweet JOKES about that observation"

i see we're victim blaming again. well done.

Lots of landlords prefer single women tenants. Generally, they're perceived as tidy, quiet, and pay rent on time. May not line up with reality, but that's the perception.