
Of course the important question here is which drunk female threw him off that bridge.

SORRY if you don't get your SLUT PILLS for FREE, this is AMERICA and we have something called the CONSTITUTION that guarantees our FREEDOM from SLUTS.

Is it possible for some of our readers to get vegan nothing burgers? I don't want them to feel like we're not being sensitive to their needs.

What I don't quite get is why they're all up in arms over the website that reported it. She got kicked out of her sorority for hazing. Fact. Jezebel reported this fact.

Thank you very much for your concern, sir, but he does not need your religion, he has science and socialism and birthdays.


The man will come and take you away is not a sinister as it sounds, Im pretty sure most Irish children are told to behave or the man will come over, at some point or other. I think Ed Byrne or some comedian even has a joke about random women using him to to keep their kids quiet in public.

All of the threats she's making are pretty commonly said to children in Ireland, possibly not even by her parents but the man taking you away if you don't behave yourself was used a lot when I was a kid.

Having a bit of experience with three year olds, I must say that they do occasionally hit in frustration. They're not the masters of self-control that we want them to be, and that is fine, and it doesn't mean they will become abusive. What concerned me were some of the threats she was making (the man will take you

Seriously people its a kid, a tiny kid, kids act out, the parents are egging her on for a laugh shes not going to turn out to be a violent psycho or nothing, for fecks sake what a bunch of dryshites.

That mom is my kindred spirit. What the fuck is the point of pushing a melon out of your hoo-hah if you don't get to point and laugh when it grows up into a hilariously inept toddler?

Let It Go Fuck Yourself

the death penalty is only for premeditated murder in Indonesia so in all likelihood, they will be sentenced to 15 years in prison. It's pretty clear that they didn't plan this murder as they left the bloody murder weapons in the room and the body in a cab and basically did nothing to cover it up.

I don't like seeing meat I'm not allowed to eat.

I could be wrong, but from what I remember, they murdered the mom and then put her body in the suitcase, put the suitcase in a cab and then disappeared? The cops found them sleeping in a hotel a few miles away. Or am I thinking of another gruesome murder story? I need to fill my mind with other things. Someone send

A 30 second google search took me to this site and there's nothing to indicate that these are illegal to buy and use. The FAQ says:

I've had intelligent, educated family members tell me with complete seriousness that they thought international online pharmacies were legal. "If they weren't legal, why would I be able to buy stuff?"

I've discussed this a lot here before, but what made me stop watching was not a question of how good I thought the season was—I thought it was very well done. I, personally, just could no longer watch an hour of women being abused, raped, tortured, etc. I was just too much for me. That doesn't mean I don't think

You didn't post the photo of Evan Peters in his undershirt! It's like you don't love me.

Please tell me that Dandy Mott's middle name is Fauntleroy.