
Shiba Inus are super loyal and can be very sweet... But inside every great Shiba Inu, is an even greater asshole.

Team Cat Headquarters here,

You can exercise while pregnant, if your doctor says all is well. Pregnancy isn't an illness. It is a state of health.

You may be wondering why I wrote a post about this if Sploid and Kotaku already did so. To this, I ask you: do either of their posts contain a reference to Fidel Castro's artificial anus? I rest my case.

He selected her right out of a binder.

'I don't believe in domestic violence'

Peter King, notable Roger Goodell hand puppet, sent the woman on his staff to interview these assholes last night. Because, y'know, that makes his ongoing defense of the NFL through this legit. He sent a real live woman! How can he be a horrid, horrid defender of the indefensible?

It's nice of these guys to give the women around them such a clear and undeniable red flag. Most people have to wait weeks or even months to figure out that a guy is a piece of shit, they're really saving us all a lot of time here.

So how do you guys feel about your beloved 'Law & Order SVU' hiring the convicted rapist and abuser for an episode? I know I never watched again.


OK. So this was the nagging voice in the back of my head when I first read about this. I don't like the idea of society collectively saying "you were a victim, therefor you can no longer be part of these certain things that we associate with what happened to you because they make us feel uncomfortable." If she is not

Wait, because Rhianna is a victim of domestic violence, we aren't interested in her voice or supporting her? I'm fucking way more interested in hearing her sing than listen to whatever garbage Roger Goddell and Ray Rice are going to spew.

I believe it's called, "taking pride in your work."

they have now been re-packaged , sorry kids

I would be remiss if I did not point out how amazing this guy is for being such a good wingman for his fish. You don't want to date him? Fine. He's got 23 fish to introduce to you. They are tropical as fuck and ready to mingle. No hard feelings.

I think a lot of it comes down to have a great relationship with your doc about other things. It wasn't the first thing out of mine's mouth the first time I met her, and she focuses on blood pressure, blood sugar, those sorts of indicators rather than just being like HEY FATTY. So when she says, "hey, you gained X

As if fat shaming was ever about helping other people lose weight.

Counterpoint: Fat shaming DID make me lose weight, by helping give me a spectacular eating disorder! Yay!

I love reading Miss Manners on the subject. "Should I tell my friend she's fat?" "Why? Do you think she hasn't noticed?" If you see something wrong with someone's appearance, the rule is that you can mention it only if the person can immediately fix the problem. Since no one is going to step into another room and