
You sound hurt.

Feel better now?


Now, now, I realize everybody’s shits all emotional right now...

Another day (hour?) another poorly researched article by Hamilton Nolan. Wish this ritual had stayed at Gawker so I could just ignore them. Thanks a lot, Peter Thiel.

+1 for Fuck Hennessey

Has any major automaker ever sold a 1000HP+ car? The only one I can think of would be the Veyron (and I suppose the Chiron), but that’s being very generous to the term “major automaker”. If they weren’t owned by VW, I wouldn’t be counting that.

(I’m not going to include the Venom GT because 1) Fuck Hennesey, and 2)

I’m surprised you spelled most of those words correctly.


It’s not vulgar, it’s just locker room talk.

Nothing will get better. It’s too late to heal from this mess. We’re going to have 8 years of misogyny instead of our previous 8 years of racism. With the same healthy dose of conspiracy theories and lies.

Today? Preparing. After the debate? I’m not sure what a 68 year old does to celebrate the feeling of christmas, new years, 3 birthdays, and your best orgasm combined into one amazing thing but I’m sure it’s going to be spectacular.

Nobody cares Stef.

I *love* how they point to us Asians as “model minorities” and use us to show off how America is meritocracy, then turn around to remind us we’re not really “American”.

“My Mercedes was too unreliable so I bought an Audi.”

Seriously, spare us from the “wisdom” of 30-something straight white dudes like Pareene and HamNo. So exhausting. (And, for the love of God, no, Hillary didn’t “almost nearly [lose]” to Bernie. She beat him handily.)

Engine oil and transmission fluid leaks, I remember those leaking on many of my 30 year old cars. That’s okay. There’s this metal stick, and you keep it filled, and it’s fine...unless it boils out at speed onto the exhaust ala “Uncle Buck”.