
Today was a beautiful day. Looks like an annual tradition in the making to me!

I love you, Jia. This isn’t a snarky comment or anything like that; you are just consistently responsible for my favourite articles. Thanks!

This is a really good article. Never leave, Barry (plus you write smart stuff about hockey and I’m Canadian, so really—never ever leave).

I’m from Manitoba but I’m 90% sure it’s just an East Coast thing. And yeah, I definitely punctuate sentences with ‘eh’ from time to time.

This needs more stars.

Eevee, once again, gets short shrifted

Oh god, what if she consulted with Elm!? :S

“Definite” or “definitive”?

So...not laundering one’s sheets or comforters for two months would be considered....bad? :-((((((

I hate everything about every one of these supposedly edible “dishes.” :((((

I always just assumed that they followed all the major sports channels/sites on twitter or what have you...the biggest plays tend to get posted/tweeted about a ton, so they’re fairly easy to pick out.

This is sounding less and less like a movie night and more like a night of bondage, but whatever floats your boat!

so yeah, the didn’t exactly try EVERYTHING....but they certainly made their feelings on the matter known

+1 freakishly large ewok standing over the corpse of Gary Bettman dressed as a stormtrooper

A cross between Aladdin and Rudy

Scott actually came across as a pretty funny guy—even a showman—this weekend! Plus, his face is (ironically) less punch-able than Roenick’s.


You summed it up pretty perfectly. Adding one more skill player wouldn’t have made the weekend as interesting and meaningful as the “everyman” feel of John Scott’s presence.

That was such a great moment! Scott was on fire all week long.

This was so perfect that I was almost worried it was all planned. But then I realized that the league would never plan for there to only be one goal in the final game.