
Looks like the Woke Police are here to tell us what we can and can’t put into our ears.

Just saw the movie today, and there is a decent enough plot reason why both sides want control of the station, and it’s not a military reason. I’m not sure if you’d find it any more convincing, but I didn’t have much trouble buying into it.

The raven landed on the table nearest Jon. “Fuck,” it cawed. It was an old bird, dirty and bedraggled. “Fuck,” it said again, “Fuck, fuck fuck.” It walked to the end of the table, spread its wings again, and flew to Jon’s shoulder.

They need them for their charged lemonade refills at Panera

I can’t recall if the script actually calls for the trigger to be pulled, but I know that they were rehearsing the scene, not filming it, which is why there’s no video. The way I remember it going, Alec was actually talking through the scene as he went along, so he drew the gun and pointed it toward the camera. Even

You’re pretty bad at being pedantic since Martha had several appearances in Season 4, not to mention Donna’s appearance before her first season. Bill is the only companion contained to one season, unless you hold to the Episode 0 designation for holiday specials, which I’ve always thought was dumb (Aside from The

Snoop’s in his 50s now, right? As a dickhaver, I don’t mean to be disparaging, but they don’t exactly age like wine. It’s hard to imagine altogether too many people being interested in that old pipe.

The punctuation thing is really what gets me. It’s like he’s posting using an old T9 keyboard or something.

classic neville self burn

Why should anyone listen to you, known bigot and troll who doesn’t understand punctuation and somehow misspelled FBI more than once in this thread?

What other object would it possibly have collided with besides, you know, the Moon? It’s not like it was hanging around in low orbit. Seems like it would have been more dangerous to reenter our atmosphere rather than just let it drift away or propel it vaguely toward the sun.

The fact that in all this time the prosecution has never seemed to give even a moment’s consideration to his producer credit makes me think there can’t possibly be any liability there. It’s never been truly made clear to the public whether it was a vanity title or if he had some control in his role as producer, but

Maybe when they go on sale in fifty years they’ll have the ability to read all of a post, instead of just the first half, so that you can live a normal life despite your handicap.

What’s the supposed benefit of making a humanoid robot do this instead of just a machine that you can dump a bunch of shirts into and have them Jetson out the other side? Are his factories staffed by humanoid robots doing mundane tasks to build his rockets, cars, and toaster trucks? If the idea is that this is

There’s self check at my Aldi now and it’s been an absolute godsend. The cashiers tended to be competent, but not especially speedy, and like yours, there were only ever two open at best, and usually only one. I would stop shopping early if I saw there was no one in line, because if I went back for eggs, invariably

That distinction isn’t lost on me, but it is lost on plenty of the types of people I’m criticising here. Even though I prefer self-checkout for myself, I recognize the value of the labor cashiers put in.

I really liked She-Hulk, but it really was perhaps the quintessential example of Disney’s TV budget fiasco. A show where the main character has to be constantly CGIed is necessarily going to cost a bundle, and even if it had been done perfectly(I thought it was mostly great with a few noticeable problems), people

On the one hand, it’s nice to see a demonstration of just how wrong people are about “unskilled labor” being so simple, since it’s clear that most of them have an unreasonable amount of trouble figuring out how to scan groceries. On the other hand, as a person with functioning cognitive and motor skills, I love being