
My favorite part of the “We can’t kill anyone” philosophy Jaime insists on is the subsequent total disregard Milagro has when she has the Blue Beetle (Tank?) stab through some guys while charging the fortress. There’s just a trail of dead bodies left in its wake.

I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if Bezos has explicitly marked his favorite shows as uncancellable and Citadel is one of them. I happen to think Rings of Power is just fine, but the fact is that he basically said “I have a billion dollars, somebody give me a Lord of the Rings show.” He might just have bought it

I think we can all agree that the optimal outcome here is that Disney be awarded the total GDP of Florida and consequently takes full ownership of the state, declares itself its own independent NationPark, with DeSantis sentenced to work off his personal debt to the Mouse dancing around in a Minnie Mouse costume at

I’m sure that’s a big part of it, but considering how many users mass blocked thousands of blue checks when they started appearing at the top of posts, I’m sure blocking has had a diminishing effect on engagement for those users. And that in turn affects the subscriber bonuses he’s paying to a bunch of white wing

A Kinja block feature would probably kill comments even deader than they already are, but it sure would be nice to not see the dipshit transphobes and racists.

It might just be a problem on my three year old computer, but embedded tweets like these seem to be a lot more resource intensive than they used to be, and these “First Reaction” articles always seem to pile on as many as they can, instead of just limiting it to four or five. It makes navigating these posts

Life would be better if we lived in the future where Steve Austin was President

I think you might have misunderstood that comment

I guess that it’s no longer considered “a good idea” to fly up in a helicopter and throw shit at people on the ground. Just another victim of today’s woke culture.

Do agents just make up their job as they go along? I only know of a handful of stories like this, but how do they just make decisions for actors based on what they think they’re gonna want to do? Maybe you don’t email Scarlett Johansson immediately every time some college student wants to put her in their final

This is why a well rounded study of a variety of sketch shows is so important to our national education. Those who do not remember their Mitchell and Webb skits are doomed to repeat them, but in a much less funny way.

To be fair, the subheader does mention that Russia invaded it back in 2008. That might have happened to the state too, I’m not entirely sure. The election that year occupied most of my attention, and I might have missed a Red Dawn or 2.

Got ‘em

Coraline is great, and it’s proving surprisingly popular, but I think theaters in general don’t realize that re-releases can be mildly profitable during slower months. Usually these days it’s only done on big anniversaries, or occasionally a movie like Elf will replay during Christmas, but unless it’s a huge event

I actually thought Barney did a good job, but that the production wanted the character to have a more tragic backstory for some reason, which resulted in a less fun portrayal. Still, with the dagger out of the way (mostly? I don’t remember if the show had him healed all the way yet) hopefully we can see a more playful

Yeah, I can’t tell if the article is more confusing because of the writing or because the show is poorly designed, but in between seventeen or so uses of the phrase ‘mission critical’ I grokked that this is a bog standard elimination, and not the result of some sort of protest. That’s definitely not the impression

I genuinely think that Thomas would happily ban interracial marriage, and just not make it retroactive. Or even make it retroactive, except for one lucky couple, to be chosen at random using The Clarence Thomas Patented Randomizer Machine.

I wonder if calling it “almost milk” would get the dairy milk lobby off the collective backs of all the other milks.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson is Kraven Some Meatier Roles