
I liked that episode, but someone needs to rein in these theater kids.

Who knows, there’s still plenty of time for someone at Paramount to decide that maybe people don’t like this Star Trek thing that much after all, and how much money could they save by cancelling all of it.

Or lodging

That is a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action.

I’ve always called them chazzwozzas

Just saying that the Netflix that I was sold on was a repository for watching things that already existed. Paying $8 a month to watch Community or 30 Rock whenever and wherever, and maybe watch some stuff I hadn’t gotten around to before. I didn’t have a particular problem with them creating their own shows when it

Boo, my Oppenheimer showing played the old one.

I watched Brahmastra: Part One last year, and it didn’t really wow me. I liked it, but there’s definitely a culture disconnect preventing me from fully appreciating it. I also watched Laal Singh Chaddha (The Forrest Gump remake) and liked that too, but felt a similar sort of detachment. Those probably aren’t the best

This is probably one of the best definitions of a movie star, but it’s also not entirely reliable. You couldn’t stick Tom Cruise in Ticket to Paradise and expect it to triple its otherwise respectable $160m take starring unknowns Julia Roberts and George Clooney. And he has made plenty of movies with middling returns

I believe the distinction is that there were no picket lines on those productions. This isn’t a metaphorical matter, people were actually picketing outside the studio where AHS was being filmed. As far as I know, that didn’t happen on either of the two sets you mention. I do know that there were far more productions

I think this plan just didn’t have enough to distinguish it from other miserly options. I, a world-class cheapskate, would absolutely pay less for a shitty seat in the theater. Especially since, as noted by many, I could just move once the movie started to an empty seat in a better position. But A-List effectively

Generally speaking, the seats radiate out from the center of the theater, with a slight bias toward the front. In my Dolby theater, which I think goes back to row J, E8 and E9 will be the first sold seats and people will starts to pick and choose around that are until it’s mostly filled in before moving back and

I watched it in 70mm, and missed a few lines, but no more than I would in any other movie. It wasn’t a problem with the sound mixing, so much as some quick exchanges and me likely having a small auditory processing disorder. It is decidedly not like Tenet, which I watched at home and still had trouble getting the

Yeah, I get that it’s a recap. And I’m not telling you to change anything, but I didn’t watch Interview With the Vampire, so this is the first time I’ve seen you do it. The first recap struck me as very oddly detached compared to other pieces I’ve seen you write, and it’s just something I’ve observed over the weeks

I think you misunderstand me. I’ve seen countless back and forths here, and they’re pitifully boring. I don’t intend to engage in one. Learn to just let go.

Same boat here. I finally got a notice recently about the “option” to add users, but you can just breeze by it. My shared users use it more than me, as I tend to put things on my Plex account now. As compromises go, it seems fair to have Netflix be like the annoying Windows “You really want to update to Windows 11,

Gravik has guns. Some of his men have guns. Beto only has a gun if Gravik gives him one. Paranoid leaders don’t let their rank and file have weapons all the time, because they’re paranoid that one of them might up and shoot them in the head. A casual glance back at the episode showed some Skrulls in the crowd had

The bag was working. It genuinely caught him off guard and hurt him enough that he reverted to Skrull form. Perhaps they didn’t use a gun because they didn’t have a gun. If it’s all right with you, I’m going to continue to reason out reasonable explanations so that I can continue to enjoy things that are just fine as