Sentient dildos?
Sentient dildos?
How is this money going to “change” the government? If she (or anyone else) NEEDS this money, then these super wealthy people providing this NEEDED financing hold sway over her. Do you think she’s going to get in, screw over the rich and help out the middle class, and then turn to the rich again in four years to ask…
No it didn’t.
Lol, as if he ever had any “goodwill” with you. He’s white and a man.
What don’t you understand about this? They ARE part of the process. A horrible part of the process, but a part of the process nonetheless. And as a part of the process, they are something he needs to contend with.
He’s not going to change the world at all because you and everyone like you want the status quo. You’ll bitch and whine on here all day about progressive issues, but then when someone comes along who agrees with you and wants to change things, you go “that’s stupid and unrealistic”.
It doesn’t say anything about him blaming the LSD.
There is nothing in this article that suggests he blamed the LSD. That is the leap everyone reading this is making, unless there is more information somewhere else.
What if he was undiagnosed schizophrenic? He’s the right age. What would LSD do to someone like that? I’m not saying that’s the case, but it could have been the interaction.
That’s irrelevant. This child is now going to be scarred for life. Maybe the foster parents are dicks, maybe they are not. Maybe this is even all their fault. But leaving her with them would not have scarred her. They should have left her with them. Everyone seems preoccupied with the foster parent and the biological…
Would it be better if Lexi and the Pages’ other kids thought their parents voluntarily gave her away? I think that would be far more traumatic in the long run.
Yeah, fuck that kid. The law is the law.
Maybe it was. But does more cruelty solve this situation? Leave the girl with the family she knows.
You may very well be right. But does she need to suffer for it now?
And what if they other family won’t let them visit?
Don’t worry. I’m sure the trauma of waking up every single day and the only parents she’s ever known not being there will fuck her up far worse. I actually hope that she remembers them screaming and that she was “taken” away from them rather than growing up thinking they gave her away.
This is not about them. This is about her. She was with them for over four years, since before a time that she can remember. They are likely the only family she has ever known. This girl is going to be fucked up for the rest of her life as a result of this.
Not sure I believe this. I know its just anecdotal, but I’ve never posted a comment.
Look, I get you’re trying real hard to win feminist points here like a good little pet, but when you do it in your ridiculous-over-the-top-macho-character, ridiculing men for having feelings, you’re actually the toxic male culture that they warn against.
They’re not expected to. You probably just don’t pay attention to those that don’t. That sounds more like your issue.