The Dongs of War

That's too bad. I was going to get this for the PS3 but now I'll just wait until I can afford Ps4.

This does look cool

When I was a teenager, my mom gave me witch hazel to help with my acne. I looked it up later and it turns out it has abortifacient properties. It made me wonder if "witches" were just women who knew how to apply herbalism for birth control.

So where is the mystery male appendage now? Is it being stored in freezer wrapped in plastic? Did someone write on the label "2007 mystery dick cold case"?

Then stop coming.

Whoa, that's freaky. Where did you find it?

Shodycast on youtube is a good source too

It some translations its "Thou shalt not murder" which makes a little more sense because for a person to literally not kill anything, they would not be able to eat anything.


Its dark and I'm scared and THERE'S CORN EVERYWHERE!


"White blood" huh?


Its just..its just too much. Just too much happening at once.

He never wastes an opportunity to be terrible

Hey relax, its free guy

So Team Fortress 2 in SPAAAAACE?

There is no such thing as "skimpy armor". If it is skimpy, its not armor.

"this whole "over-sexualizing" bullshit needs to end, who honestly gives a shit if your character is a beefy dude with huge arms or a woman with a perfect body showing lots of skin, it's a game"

I never needed your permission for that.