The Dongs of War

I'm pretty happy about Kirby, Meta, Luigi, Wario, classic Samus, Fox, Captain Falcon, the villager, the fitness trainer, Lucario, the DHD, Mr Game and Watch, Little Mac, Link, Donkey Kong, the Pokemon trainer (with Charizard solo if you like), and probably a few more I cannot think of at the moment. That's a lot of

Yes because your words are the words of a happy person, well adjusted and curious about the world around them. That or someone who craves attention.

"No it isn't"

You are not attacking ( I accused you of complaining) an article, you just felt that

Yes the fictional villain when he was talking about a completely different subject than "video game journalism". Only the truly special should have opinions on consumer products. It's completely irresponsible for just anybody to start a video game blog.

You're posting on the comments section of a video game website demanding people stop sharing how they feel about video game characters.

You're seriously quoting the villain from the Incredibles to make a point about "video game journalism"?

You're complaining about an article that consists mostly about quotes concerning one employees' opinion on an a single aspect of the art direction of a recently announced computer game from a noteworthy game developer. The closest thing that comes to an opinion from the author is "

Relax buddy, they're free guy.

I liked how this episode referenced Randy's gluten free life style and his pop superstar double life.

I wondered that too because all the Reapers you saw were the "Cuttlefish" kind that were based on the forms of their creators. I was hopping you would see Reapers based on long extinct races "harvested" from previous cycles. The only one who looked different was the OG Reaper "Nazerine" or something?

Speak for yourself, champ. You don't speak for me or any other man I would associate with.

The fact that these tactics (or theology as you put it for some reason) is called "Game" makes it at the very least, deceitful and immature.

If you feel that marriage has "grim realities" than don't get married.

"People like you are the cause of people like Elliot Rodgers"

Elliot Rodger was upset with PUA/Red Pill "theology" (theology? Lol on you buddy) because he felt it did not work. He did have the same entitled attitudes that all too often come with PUA and Red Pill nonsense. He wasn't a "nice guy who never got a chance". He was an asshole who probably would not know what to do

Its Tooonces, the driving cat!

What proof do you have that it works?

I sometimes feel a little sorry too, and then I hear what they have to say and I stop.

That's too bad I like both of the leads.