The Dongs of War

I've been a man for almost multiple decades yet I do know what it means to "act like a man" amongst other men while we build our male identities. I just always figured that everyone just makes their own identity. I just assumed what's "masculine" or "feminine" is up to the individual, really. If it is not, than why

"Oh boy it's this argument "oh feminists cant change anything we're so weak we're just a multi billion dollar lobby and the majority opinion to which companies often bend over backwards if we find anything offensive ;_; poor little us" fuck off."

My blistering digital "outrage" is at a person complaining about a problem that does not seem to exist. No one is claiming a love for bad, shoehorned writing about accepting sexual identities. I just think its asinine to complain about being "preached to" in video gaming and being only able to provide an example of

Tell me in your own words what are "male spaces" and why they are so important?

If you're playing a very immersive game than I think caring about an RPC adds to the enrichment. I don't care about the NPCs in a game like Prototype 2, I'm going to eat them. Yet in Skyrim, or Dragon Age, or in Fall Out, I'm always wondering about them.

"The way I see it, is there is a small minority of feminists who are stomping their feet and having a fit to get it their way, many of whom, like anita for instance, don't even play games. They have an agenda unrelated to video games and seek to push it on everyone"

I'm asking you to explain why you feel the way you do about this subject and you provide a link to a 24 minute video about why "men are not getting married"?

"I'll give Borderlands the Pre Sequel as an example: I think that Anthony Burch has ruined a lot of the writing in this game JUST to be progressive. Instead of an NPC cracking a joke, they point out that their gay/bi or whatever, which just makes it feel like you're being preached at. Sure I don't mind NPC's being

What is inherently masculine about playing a video game?

People tend not to complain about things they "Don't care about" ;)

Yes, a "diversity checklist" is bad writing. I agree. I just do not see many examples of it in gaming. What I got from:

I just cannot think of a lot of characters with poorly written, shoehorned, non-heterosexual sexuality, for the purpose of hamfisted preaching to the player.

Oh yeah. There are people like this who exist. Each with varying degrees of likeability and charisma. I just do not think the majority of non heterosexual characters in video games are like this.

I think this person is trying to fix a problem that does not seem to exist. I cannot think of a lot of games that try to shoehorn a non heterosexual character's sexuality for the purpose of "preaching to the player". If you can, please give me an example.

I agree 100%. I hate bad writing too. This is the quote that stood out to me:

I'm not calling anyone homophobic. I'm just wondering why a stranger on the internet feels that s/he is being "preached to" when a character mentions their sexuality outside of being a heterosexual?

What you're experiencing is often referred to as a "Heteronormative" outlook. This is "denoting or relating to a world view that promotes heterosexuality as the normal or preferred sexual orientation". The idea that heterosexuality, even though it is far more common than homo or bisexuality is more "normal" than other

Absolutely. The biggest factor that will determine "what direction video gaming is going" are not gamers themselves or "SJW's" but what major video gaming companies think will be profitable.

"Instead of an NPC cracking a joke, they point out that their gay/bi or whatever, which just makes it feel like you're being preached at."

The Pit was an awesome expansion and the setting/art direction of Fallout 3 was amazing. I still like New Vegas more.