
Accidental commenting was accidental. Got it.

Counterpoint: Marshawn Lynch + Conan = Gold

You stole this from The Slot post last night, and you know it.

Lowry with a seasoned take.

Actually, they’re 10-0 over the last 8 games.

I’m pretty sure this would be the second time Rod Stewart has ever had to get his stomach pumped after a soccer-related event.

Do you really want to get in a gif fight , Mr. 12? Really? Because yeah, losing Gronk sucks but we’ve been doing fine without him. I got a good one all loaded up that i’m sure you’re gonna love if you really want to go there.

Found the Seahawk fan ERRR i mean “The 12"

Oh now he decides to run it on the goal line.

My sister’s ex used to vape. Didn’t care for him, he was a real FA Cup

What the Hell man.

I read “chili dog enjoys hockey game.”

Shel Silverstein is disappointed the gold wasn’t given by the crabtree.


Is there footage of the dump?

The answer is 47, but people keep trying to over-complicate it. 

 a million redditors with a million typewriters...