Yehudah ben Shlomo

"Catherine spends the entire episode being shooed out of rooms."

"I don't understand how they can still side with Russia after all the horrible things they've done, and the lives they've ruined."

"It spun in. There were no survivors."

And Paige's eyebrows are getting worked by her Darwin's grief muscle again.

She's more of a kidnap victim than a defector at this point.

She didn't even know she was spying for them. She thought she was working for a US auditor, remember?

But they loyally worked for the KGB for decades. They weren't tricked into sharing secrets for a short period of time.

She's more or less kidnapped at this point - she's hardly a defector. And now that she's not in the FBI office, she has zero usefulness.

Because there's no reason to take her. She's useless to them now.

Hopefully they won't drag it out over two seasons AGAIN.

Same here. Stan thought he was feeling sorry for himself, but he was just impressed as hell…while knowing he's totally screwed.

It's like when a commercial is put up on YouTube, then gets a DMCA takedown. PEOPLE ARE WATCHING YOUR COMMERCIAL, YOU IDIOTS.

Good thing I've been very careful to never put a woman a such a risk. ONE CAN KILL.

After the end of this episode, I think Philip could do it. Knowing she couldn't survive a few minutes without him here, her instability…

Oh, there's going to be a "clean break" for Martha. Well, maybe not that "clean," but Gabriel's going to have her connections severed rather abruptly very soon.

Even the best-case ending is him betraying Martha. He's "saving" her, but he's not going with her.

Stan would be looking right at a perfect sketch of "Clark" when Philip walked in…and wouldn't see the similarity. The disguise is THAT GOOD.

More than I thought. Unfortunately, I didn't realize it until yesterday.

That's still a good deal. Labor is what kills you.

I haven't been feeling well, so I had the TV on while I was lying down with my eyes closed. So it was audio only for me - and that heightens how annoying people sound when they complain.