Yehudah ben Shlomo

He could be preparing to turn around and talk to his son.

But that leaves all their OTHER Marthas and Williams and Mail Robots out there. No guarantee that Philip and Elizabeth will talk.

HMMMMM…there is that.

If the illegal is talking, why did Stan go home?

Deleted final scene:

When it's his son, not his daughter. In the latter case, he's grabbing a baseball bat.

That's the dumbest fucking "puzzle" I've ever seen.

And if you google "abortion," you get a 404 error.

"The writers wanted her to kill someone in front of Paige though, so there it is."

You think the other guy is going to go to the cops? What's he going to say?

"Paige, remember how you've asked me about my training? I got raped as part of that, so excuse me if I'm not thrilled with seeing it happen to you."

Besides, it's not like we've seen investigations on every one of the deaths/disappearances on the show so far.

"Paige never described this food pantry as being in a sketchy location."

We know there are only two seasons left. If Paige is going to kill Pastor Tim by the end of the series, we need to start moving in that direction now.

Not a crime, but it something a high-security employer would look kindly upon.

"The new episodes will be available to PBS and its member stations, free of charge, after a nine-month delay."

So, Paige finds out that Stan is looking for a spy in the FBI. Then she introduces his son to a place where someone (two people, when Tim gets back) know who her parents really are.

Even with that crappy sketch, Stan would connect Philip and PHILIP.

Cover story, clearly.

When are Paige's eyebrows going to get their own billing in the opening credits?