
You really suck at driving, don’t you?

Now playing

“I’ll have to stop watching a movie or listening to music just so I can charge my dying phone!”

I’m just trying to imagine the visual for a giant laser tower covered in spikes, spewing out gas at regular intervals, all while hideous shrieking noises shatter the air as flaming birds rain from overhead, and I can’t decide if it’s a Bosch-esque painting worthy of absolute terror, or a gut-busting scene from Rick

It’s the BBC’s fault they didn’t supply enough Snickers

I once got a mark on my permanent record for chewing gum in class. I’ve never been able to get a job, or a college loan, or a mortgage! That record is serious business!

I shower every day because my hair is oily as hell, looks awful when I wake up, and will start smelling about 36 hours after the last shower. :( In any case, I don’t use soap except on the areas you mentioned. It's really not necessary if you use your hands to lightly rub and scrub while in the shower.

Do I think there’s a sound quality difference between $100 headphones and $350 beats?

If you give women an education so they can make their own money, sex ed and birth control so they can control their own bodies, and adequate health care so that the children they do have don’t die in droves, they tend to choose that on their own, if they choose to have kids at all. There’s no need for forced abortions

Do you even understand the culture at all? Do you know how many engine swaps take place in the stance world? LS powered Mazdas, 2J powered BMWs, S52 powered Nissans... The list goes on and on. People design their own turbo set ups in their garage and slap them on their weird cars with zero aftermarket because they can

Great post. Nice hear about some ideas that could lead to real and lasting peace, that don't depend on a never ending show of force. Even better that it comes from guys that have had boots on the ground.

I'm loving the new BitStream feed you guys are doing. I prefer every article I read to be in tl;dr format until I reach something I wanted to look into, then I can. Keep it up!

Doesn't everyone do this? Please stop calling everything a "hack." It's not a "hack," it's a tip—a tip for a cleaner looking bookmarks bar.