
As others have stated, the concern doesn’t seem to be realistic today.

When things like this are considered art, I suddenly become ok with not “understanding art”.

Oh god! Not the Permanent Record.

No mess because now your hands won’t be covered in little bits of sharpie marker color. Plus now your kids don’t have to participate in another holiday tradition and can keep playing video games while the parents get all nostalgic while drinking, or something...

From a home made craft perspective it looks just messy

You know, I have to agree with you. Not that I don’t love the old top gear crew, but some of the magic seemed to be gone over the past couple seasons.
And Roadkill is awesome, like you say. A fitting red neck replacement.

Thank you for your insightful comment.
We have chosen to not have children and I feel that the personal choice is directly due to education and a foregoing of religious expectations. It is just a shame that religion, politics, etc still plays such a role in a woman’s ability to receive/use proper birth control and

I drive a RHD Subaru Legacy Wagon (twin turbo awesomeness!!!) and go through a drive through pretty regularly. Like Doug mentions, long arms and helpful window attendants make it a simple process.

Of course, you can just go in reverse if you’re a boss.

Apparently, there are different meaning of gorgeous tablet. This is not super model hot at all.

i just picked up a 1999 JDM Subaru Legacy GT-B wagon. It is an absolute blast to drive with its 265hp and 300+ft/lb. This was the car that changed my mind on station wagons being boring, slow and ugly - this happened years ago but I finally decided I wanted a 'sleeper' of my own.

Hold your recall jokes, folks. You wouldn't think Chevrolet would offer much to their customers, but for the C6 Corvette Z06 and ZR1 and COPO Camaro customers could go to the factory and help build their very own LS7/LS9. Inexplicably you don't get a discount for your extra legwork, rather, it costs an additional

I started learning basic code almost a year ago when I opened up a little marketing consulting company. While the knowledge is based on a web design focus, you can do so much if you understand coding for the web. It gives you the ability to create ideas which opens the door to any path you want.
But directly, anything

That's a good question. But i think it may be more useful than you think - even beyond a terebyte. Take for example a mail house/print shop. They work with deisng files in the 100s of MB and often times into the GB for large format. The logistics behind storage and archiving of past projects and client files can be a

That is fantastically well said. I wear a watch for fashion and on occasion it is used to tell me the time. Hell, if the watch isn't even the right time because I forgot to wind it I usually don't even notice.
I had always considered smart watches to be just the worst. An abomination that didn't need to happen but

Ok, Caveat to start - I don't game a lot on my PC but I do use my peripherals alot and comfort and performance were paramount when I picked them - they do happen to be gaming components though.

Ok, Caveat to start - I don't game a lot on my PC but I do use my peripherals alot and comfort and performance were

Hey Jack, this doesn't really explain it that well - Google Apps for Business is still $5/user (assuming month to month). This is an add-on to that service that provides unlimited storage instead of the 30Gb that comes standard for businesses.
In addition, this Drive for Work has a ton of other features that will

Seriously, this has been a thing since favicons and bookmark bars existed. This article is more of a "Hey Idiots, check out what smart people have been doing for years" over a hack.

It's true, thanks to our frozen tundra it's been a challenge to get running water up here that doesn't freeze for the 9 months of winter we experience.
And with an economy and health care system that pales in comparison to the mightly US we are pretty grateful that companies like Netflix have graced us with their

I totally agree - they are terrible. But, from a business potential standpoint they are brilliant. Almost as if Dre and Iorvine (sp?) took that shit and compressed it under so much pressure and heat from the bong they were smoking when they conceived this, that out popped this 'diamond'.

Now playing

It's in our nature. Clubbing seals, almost wipingout the buffalo, and all that..

Now playing

It's in our nature. You know, clubbing seals and all.