
The Dark Knight

I thought it sounded pretty good.

Oh, bother.

I’m all for a Daria reboot (esp. if it’s done well), but when are we gonna see a new Ned’s Declassified?

This news is difficult to process. No matter how successful someone appears to be, you never truly know the internal struggles they face in their daily lives. Rest well, Mr. Bourdain. May you finally be at peace.

Boy, am I glad that I didn’t mention the first time I saw DeVito was in “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest”.

As long as Ralph doesn’t wind up on a Rule 34 subreddit, I’m in.

The sad thing is that Bob never was able to unwrap his ferry muffin.

Dear God.

My four are as follows-

I love reading the comics every morning on-line, and I can say that if you think the Nancy comments are bad, just check out the Funky Winkerbean comments sometime. The level of hate for that strip and especially its writer is incredible.

He might be legendary, but he ain’t no Gorilla Monsoon.

Yeah, sorry Uwe, but it probably ain’t gonna happen. Alex “The man-sized anal boil” Jones has a long history of ducking fights, going back to the mid-’90s when he challenged a talk radio host in Austin to a fist fight but instead sent one of his lackeys in his place.

You mean to tell me that Molly Ringwald was a perfect casting choice for Fran Goldsmith? Corin Nemec as Harold Lauder? Sorry, but that miniseries was far from perfect.

The last time I had an offer like this was when I got a couple free passes to an advance screening of American Pie.

Head of the Class was a funny show for the most part- kind of a less edgy “Welcome Back, Kotter”. You can’t go wrong with Howard Hesseman!

That sounds almost like Mike Warnke, who was a pretty big Christian comedian until a Christian magazine outed his backstory of being a Satanist High Priest as fraudulent.

Was it DC Talk?

“Sledgehammer (and sickle)“.