
I looked at the photos. Paul Rudd does it for me.


Here’s what Trevor Noah said about the “grab em by the pussy” thing. It bears repeating here.

It’s a little weird to compare Trump—a man who has been accused of sexual harassment and assault countless times—to a woman who raps about consensual sex and dancing.

Now playing

The mini-challenge was actually referencing this series of ads:


Trump called for Hillary’s assassination. Ted Nugent openly called for the murder of Hillary and Obama (while he was still President) and Trump allowed him to come to the White House as Sarah Palin’s guest. Let’s not pretend like the Right really cares about threats against politicians made in art.

This. And it all happened to her while famous men were throwing out all kinds of fucking threats - hell, the last VP just threatened to beat Trump up in a parking lot. Jim Carrey recently did a painting of Trump’s sons being murdered by elephants. But THEY aren’t experiencing the kind of career repurcussions Griffin

There is a rapper named Pugnayshus, and another, Lil’ Nuzzle.

Finally a novel take: aging woman doesn’t look the way I want her to!

I am no Kathy G apologist... but hear me out:

Something tells me that this would not have gotten out without Bey’s approval. Like “Becky with the good hair,” it’s her way of calling out someone but leaving no fingerprints. I’m sure Tiffany had approval...

There has definitely been extremely...iffy...behavior. Example, a gathering where Dan and actresses from his shows were both present. And they took turns sitting in his lap. They were over 18 at the time, and did so voluntarily, but had been working with him since long before they were of age. And nobody said shit or

Created a burner just to say this couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. Seriously, he is a Grade-A Asshole, even by Hollywood standards. Weinstein-like in his temper and how he treats people. I’ve witnessed him having MULTIPLE toddler-style temper tantrums over the dumbest shit and he’s had people fired over all

My brother was killed in a wreck on Wednesday. He was 29. He was a good man, with a big heart. He overcame a lot of obstacles and had gotten his life headed the way he wanted to go, and then he swerved to miss a dog in the road. Just like that, one thing, and he’s gone.

Yeah, they had a sign that said “rethink your priorities - guns kill 18 children a day but abortion kills 3,000 children a day” or something like that. They also had all their graphic posters as well. They’re ALWAYS out in DC so I’m getting kind of desensitized to it, but they’re just awful people on a day like today.

I was on Pennsylvania Ave in front of the Trump Hotel, and during her silence a group of pro-life counter-protesters were chanting and trying to disrupt the silence. So I was watching her up there, and absorbing the resounding silence, while simultaneously hearing blurred yelling and insults. It gave me chills and was

Add me to the queue of people who’ve fallen in love with Emma Gonzalez.

There is nothing more difficult than standing in front of a group of people and letting silence be. (I know this from my teaching career...). It’s interesting to see the audience reaction - silence makes people so uncomfortable! Some feel the need to fill it - cheering, chanting etc - until the silence sinks in.

I’m sobbing. This woman is so brave. To be thrown into to this and handle it with such strength and poise. Last I heard she’s attending my Alma Mata in the fall and I don’t feel worthy.