Diplo generally sucks, but changing his Twitter name to Diblo (a la IHOB) is pretty funny.
Diplo generally sucks, but changing his Twitter name to Diblo (a la IHOB) is pretty funny.
This man is manic
Ew. Go away.
I was excited for this post! But then... I can’t even see the looks. Well, off to Reddit for me I guess.
Aja did an Instagram live where she said Ben tried to refuse to vote,.
They forgot to get batteries for their smoke detector in an earlier episode.
This is addressed on the show. They forget to pick up batteries at the mall, and an episode ends with an ominous shot of a smoke alarm with a blinking light...
His Instagram comments on his Riverdale costar’s pictures are amaaaazing
Good point.
I want sooo much more of that Elon Musk story.
She’s amazing, but weird lip liner, right?
Bad liar is my favourite song of the year. Not sorry.
Yes. Her sister’s name is Hennessey.
A really genuine, sweet seeming veteran is talking about a program that connects veterans with horse riding, which produces a healing result? He comes across as genuinely moved, it’s very touching. At least that’s what I’m getting from the clip?
Its been a blind item on CDAN for years, I believe.
Mandy Moore likes short men. Me too!
I wanna give Jimmy Carter a hug.
Aw i wish this had more comments. This episode was amazing. Mellie’s rant! Huck’s poodle story! Olivia getting totally denied when she tried to pull her dumb shit! It hasn’t been this good in so long.
Don’t feel sleazy, you need to take care of yourself. His reaction to you trying to break up with him is a huge glowing red flag.
Cool gossip - he tried to fuck my friend by cornering her and demanding she take off her clothes. We later found out his wife was pregnant at the time.