
It’s gross. For my money though, it’s still “company loyalty”.

“Captain Marvel...

Let me see your booty bounce

And when those people die, they dissipate into Gaussian ether and bokeh dreams. No clean up!


For me, the expansive nature of everything contributes to a number of themes. Just getting around Garden is kind of a slog. But that reinforces Squall’s attitude towards everything. School is a slog. Dealing with other people, slog. Dealing with feels, slog. It’s friction, but it’s friction that reinforces central

“Everyone is a paranoid narcissist except me, a centrist.”

Adding to that, Beretta hadn’t at that point started their push into US markets with their handguns and their ads marketing weapons of war for civilian use.

Nobody else could muster the pretension... ;)

It’s weird that the US’s religious persecution complex has lead to a Canadian jewish person becoming a crypto-christian.

PCs are great and all but the way some people get so dogmatic about them is ridiculous. If I thought owning a PC would make me say stupid things like that, I wouldn’t want anything to do with them.

Personally I hope we never get there. Sure, it’d be nice for movie effects. But we’ve already singed enough eyebrows with the whole deep fakes thing. Fully rendered models would take things to a whole other level.

Malefic eh?

Biden - 2020

Nothing about farms, nothing about the other notable polluters other than vague threats even though a lot of what should be called pollution isn’t or is run by contractors and subsidiaries which means you’d need an act of congress to go after parent companies or else you’re just nipping fly by night buds.

I’m amazed the IMAX people haven’t tried to install The Idiot in one of their theaters. I bet the image fidelity would be unreal. 

I’m deeply opposed to political violence, but it is a perpetual wonder that we don’t hear about more dead politicians in the US.


Tell him toilets are white due to systemic oppression. 

I would pick up X just to have. Not even sure I’d get around to replaying it. But just the thought that I could, while on the go, is pretty nice.