
Nah, false.


It’s not that people are letting republicans off the hook.

Lots of switch games can be played on pc if you do some digging.

The way they handled metallic shaders isn’t accurate either.

There’s definitely a case to be made for not consuming works out of a sense of not wanting to contribute to an abuser’s income when they’re still alive. And you can make a case for feeling emotionally repelled by a problematic person’s presence e.g. the betrayal of trust from someone like Cosby who intentionally

Buy a prebuilt. OEMs get first dibs on gpus since they make such big orders.

Best I can tell, there are no good numbers for traditional cab sexual assaults. Some cities track the specific location, many don’t. Point being, it’s hard to even make the comparison. And while ride shares and traditional cabs seem to employ similar procedures for dealing with reported assaults, it does seem as

Yeah, weird how the law has evolved in complexity which justifies the existence of the people who make money off of said complexity.

When Charlie kirk, Steve Bannon, Alex Jones, all the leaders of the proud boys and the other dumb fuck militias, the last Koch and Dolt45 are behind bars and/or hanging from a rope, then we can move on.

Kinda seems like several of your problems with the Saudis are just problems with islam. Why is your interpretation any more valid than theirs? Seems kind of hypocritical to raise a fuss when you’re both doing the same thing.

That has more to do with executive/financial based decision making.

Their whole schtick is CoD but open world action RPG.

Needs to go bigger.

People who are okay with pirating are going to pirate.

It just goes to show you how cheap Switch games are that they can easily be emulated.”

Downloaded it at 1 am.

“ like Metroid...

And A.M.E.E. is a spin on/nod to Robby the Robot.

I completely disagree with the people dumping on the music.