It got to the point where my mom was essentially defending putting children in cages.
It got to the point where my mom was essentially defending putting children in cages.
Eh, nobody really cares if you’re running behind. Anybody that does actually care is an immature jackass and you should slow roll them for being a dink.
“too many people already full of hate/misogyny/psychotic/depressive without care for others/suicidal urges.”
Well, I don’t know about “the only” factor.
The great thing about acting on impulse is you don’t even have to think about the future!
“It’s not macho!”
“I’m not responsible at all!”
“The store permanently looks like it’s a week away from closing”
Were you genuinely looking to Walmart executives to take some kind of stance?
You should be more worried about the hot pockets tbh.
Folksy wisdom. Always better than data.
Meanwhile the real culprits in all this go completely ignored because people continue to get wrapped up in the idea that this is an issue of “left” and “right” rather than one of “unabated capitalism”.
I’d pretty much hate to see the machine those are used for.
“also the girl one has hair, the fuck is that about”
You should’ve read the quillette article. You’d be re-reading this one as a palette cleanser.
It wouldn’t really accomplish anything other than possibly a moment of catharsis.
Too stretchy, it’ll never get enough tension through the chin folds.
“Am I hallucinating, or is that the fattest lich any of you have ever seen?”
All presidents are bad. You’re just comparing the shades of brown on two piles of shit. How is this helpful to anyone?
Slaves were property and had value to slave owners.