I remembered it being PU. Because it’s funnier
I remembered it being PU. Because it’s funnier
Which gets me to AV cars. Imagine if someone made AV cars that killed on average 8,000 people a day. We would lock away the founder of the company and throw away the key and he wouldn’t last 15 minutes in prison before he was shived.
If I saw this band and they didn’t look like Rob Zombie and play Dragula at least twice a set, I would be highly disappointed.
I don’t know, Toyota got rid of the Birth Control Prius.. which I honestly thought was the entire point of the Prius. Save the planet from humans destroying it by making it impossible for them to reproduce.
To me, EVs are a boon to US drivers. Europe has always had really cool vehicles we can’t get because the emissions requirements between Europe and North America differ so much (which I actually understand). But with EVs not having emissions, the only hurdle is the difference between EU safety requirements and NTSB,…
It’s not as heavy but it is going faster and thus has similar amounts of kenetic energy. It’s hitting a thin portion of a typical containment wall that isn’t supported as well and NOT penetrating the wall.
It’s not a fault of the aiming, but the Double Ugly. It’s got so many bent down and bent up areas. If you look at the centerline of it, it does line up with the target.
I work in nuclear power. After 9/11 there was a statement about how containment would handle a similar attack.
VW reminds me of what has happened where I work.
Yeah, the DMVs have become so much better in the last 30 years. I remember standing in line like for a bank teller for hours back in the day. Now, I just go online, pay the fee and the registration shows up a week or so later.
Growing up, the DMV was a place that took forever and a week to do anything. But today, with online and mail renewals, the load isn’t that bad. Worse I’ve had in the last couple decades is an hour wait, and with good seating and wifi, it isn’t bad at all.
The Creeper has a background story. I wanted a go-kart as a kid. Dad being cheap put a lawnmotor engine on a creeper. For wheels, he used a baby buggy wheels. To turn them he had a rope on each wheel so the front wheels could be turned independently. No gas, no brakes, just two ropes. When he tried to ride it, the…
St Elmo’s Fire was filming in the DC area and setup for street scenes. They put up signs saying “keep moving” to tell the DC crowds to just move on with life.
Sure, the car will be cheaper to buy. But imagine the insurance rates.