
What’s weird is that this still happens. I was in Doha a year ago and Ramadan was going on, which had some weird rules for how life was. In the evening, the Mosque would determine the sun had fully set and fire off a Cannon and thus signal the end of Fasting.

Man does this trigger my reverse psychology thing. Want me to stop and gawk? Tell me to keep moving. I have to actively think “I have to keep moving”, or I will actively slow down to see why I’m being told to keep moving.

3rd gear. I’ve had training on enclosed spaces and they are no joke. A lot of deadly gases are completely odorless and colorless. For example, the first indication of having a nitrogen leak in many cases is someone falling over. Human nature being the way it is, the automatic response is to rush over to help.. and

I like this idea.

Reverse. I remember seeing a documentary about trains and the UK. It used to be that each town had its own time, but to make the trains run on a schedule, they had to come up with a constant time for the entire country.

I have a fun story about this. I was tasked at a different job to review a test report. Actually, my task was to route it for review, not perform the review. One of the experts came back with questions and comments, that I addressed.


I think it more likely, the mechanic will get something is pink.

When I was in college, I interviewed with Pratt and Whitney. They shot turkeys at the engine at 400 mph. After thawing. They didn’t let a turkey thaw enough once and the results were “interesting”. They also intentionally blow up blades at 110% power, and the blade isn’t allowed to leave the casing of the engine.

Nope, never entered his mind to think twice. Dude was funny as hell, if he wasn’t so dangerous.

I learned the longest time ago that what sorts good project engineers from bad ones is communication. 9 times out of 10, the Craft has the best ideas and solutions. A good project engineer can translate engineering concepts into Craft Speak, and thus explain what they want to do to them. Then work together to find a

There is a difference between intelligence and wisdom.

We had a neighbor that was like that. He was good enough in his field that he went to the Whitehouse to talk to the President about it many times. But...

What I’ve seen in my career is that a lot of very smart people aren’t aware of the fact that they aren’t smart in all things.

Totally agree. Below is a famous picture of the USS Yorktown after Midway. She had taken 3 bomb hits and 2 torpedoes during the battle. Without power and listing at 23 degrees, the ship was abandoned and left as a hulk.

As a guess...

Totally agree. With the society switching to more and more dogs and less and less kids, a vehicle like the Element might be a hit today.

The thing that Iacocca was good at is seeing what we coming. He saw that women were entering the work force instead of going and becoming Suzy Homemaker and with the advent of the Pill, they didn’t have to become a mom of 6 like their parents. So, he made a vehicle that appealed to single or childless women that

I don’t know, Telsa sure wants a crap ton of money for parts.  Wouldn’t be surprised if there is a black market for them.

Depends on the condition of the underwear. Any skidmark is going to be an issue for a thief. A bloody skidmark, is REALLY going to throw someone off their game.