
Technically, semi-formal dress means black tie after 6pm whereas formal means white tie and tails.

pretty much this.

And who’s lazy fault is it that the showrunners didn’t have enough finishing material? Mr. I took the money and didn’t hold up my end of the bargain RR Martin himself.

I agree that the books served as a guiding light for the writers, and that they lucked out in the casting department. But you can’t discount the fact that for roughly four (maybe even five, if we cobble together the best episodes of the final seasons) seasons, they managed to get a crew together to help successfully

Jesus you actually believe this?

To be fair, some character’s motivations are still way up in the air in the books.
Even if GRRM gave them general guidelines of where the story would go, their inner monologues would still be shrouded in mystery (in the form of GRRM not writing any god damn books in 8 years)

I know there is going to be a lot of negative takes out of these because its the internet and its post finale Game of Thrones BUT the first four seasons of the series were brilliant television. The pacing, the scripting, the direction, and the acting were amazing. While it was clear there was a lot of reticence to

Fun fact: you would’ve dissapeared for a bit in China for making that joke about China.

I’m surprised at this anti-Bulgaria post.

As a Portuguese person, I will be very pleased when this entire German generation has schafted off into the sunset.

Sudafed is his drug of choice, allegedly.

The NBA is absolutely massive in China, and it has no competition. While certainly money would be lost by pissing off CCP fascists and Chinese nationalists, there is no scenario where the NBA doesn’t remain wildly popular and influential within China. People aren’t going to riot over having to use WeChat and Weibo

The guy is a hero for standing up for what he believes in, in the face of an oppressive government.  The fact that he beats up Tai Chi dorks is icing on the cake.

This isn’t a white thing. No one said a snitch is a hero. Necessary, but not a hero. I’m all for criminal justice reform. It’s an issue that is vastly is underrepresented the political world on both sides. But the “snitches get stitches” culture is just plain wrong any way you slice it. You’re allowing criminal

Because the price of unionizing is that unions protect their worst and most senior members too.

not only worthless, it’s actually dangerous, as people get bored more easily while driving even when they’re not complete assholes like the guy in the article

You sound like a Tesla shill.

“current Autopilot features require active driver supervision and do not make the vehicle autonomous.”