
For a lot of people, such the introverted or socially anxious, not chatting with a friendly rep is a selling point

I’ve never had too much of a problem with babies crying on flights. Usually, the ambient noise of the aircraft makes it so you can’t hear babies that well either.

looked like an empty bus.

I get that he’s a dumb kid who might be an adrenaline junkie, but shouldn’t he transform before jumping off the building?

Lol. I love the ‘Trump just tells it like it is’ claim from.

Sure, since Republicans have abandoned all pretense of caring about personal character, Democrats should too. And so you’re going to bat for Anthony Weiner.

For all intents and purposes, we don’t have a President, we have an old, narcissistic, doddering hunk of dementia that’s incapable of even going through the motions while a bunch of racists and crony-capitalists fight over who gets his signature.

Given the women Kraft has been seen with publicly after his wife died, I don’t think he has a preference for older women.

Of course it matters. Look at how it affects the current occupant of the White House (among his many, many other flaws)

It might not be that his familiar with this particular joint as much as with rub-and-tug joints in general.

... And now ‘feminists’ are telling us to not complain about women who are terrible bosses because there are men who are terrible bosses too.

I don’t really watch videos on my phone, and I wish other people would do so less, considering how many people are obnoxious about it and don’t wear headphones...

Dear Human Resources:

That’s why I don’t like people like the makers of Fyre Fraud, who try to make some statement about how social media makes America’s young uniquely gullible.

Any of those guys could work- they just need some anabolic steroids

was there ever a point in the books where the reader was supposed to be wondering whether Strider was a good guy?

Back in my day, we didn’t watch videos of obnoxious Swedish Nazi sympathizers playing video games, we played video games.

when you say it takes four years to plan, does that mean you got the capital and then planned it for four years before doing the inaugural event, or it took doing it four times before you got it right?

For players to get their fair share, wouldn’t it be better to try and get the players t the bottom (ie minor league and on the bubble) paid more, rather than the top end free agents? I mean, ideally it would be both, where you not only pay minor leaguers a fair wage, but also implement a salary floor and earlier free

Japan doesn’t have fewer sexual hangups than the US does, it just has different sexual hang-ups.