
To be fair, a baguette seems like a good, aerodynamic object that shouldn’t cause actual injury if it hits anyone. Can’t think of too many better things to throw at someone you’re heckling.

My guess is that literally anyone can make a new crypto currency and start offering it.

He only scammed people out of 200 million dollars? When are Bernie Madoff and Alan Stanford going to get their movies?

I think the issue is that the right advice for frat boys and angry gamergaters isn’t the right advice for guys who are already decent but shy and insecure.

I imagine if you’re on the side of a road, it’s safer to have a tire iron in your hands, than your phone.

No way he’s stil broke. Can you imagine how many bribes he can extort now?

To be fair, it’s more about not knowing where the Caspian Sea is. The country he named at least borders the Persian Gulf.

Why is everyone treating this like it’s real advice? I’m like 80% sure it was pure hypothetical, and the writer isn’t even a musician.

Late Classical Greece, maybe. Though most mercenaries were attached to a city-state rather than non-state actors. They worked for their city states and the money they earned also went to their city states.

I think you have to be an exiled Westerosi knight to be anything more than a grunt in the Golden Company.

I’ve always said the the modern equivalent of Book Daario would be a guy with tribal tattoos and Jersey Shore style hair.

It’s weird because his dad seem pretty cool

I’m generally operating under the assumption that my credit card info has already been stolen, and I’ll have to periodically check for fraudulent charges.

yeah... no. I don’t have Macy’s life story written on the back of my hand. So maybe he wasn’t always a good actor.

And Terrance Tao, the greatest mathematician in the world, says you don’t need to be a genius to be a great mathematician. As someone who studied math and undergrad, and who rates himself as smart, but no genius, I can say that that’s bullshit.

I appreciate Elon Musk for making electric cars cool, and making launching satellites cheaper, but this mostly unrelated Will Leitch quote sums up my mild distaste for the guy:

I’m a proud practitioner of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and secure in my heterosexuality. Secure enough to notice, with humor, that many of the common positions would not be out of place in the Kama Sutra.

Silence her? That’s an interesting way of describing trying to keep somebody from releasing an incriminating video.

Maybe the small pickles are a sign of the deep seated fear that even if he’s on top of the world (standing on top of the pyramid in sun god robes), women might still find him unattractive or sexually inadequate (small pickles)?

It’s a form of wrestling. All forms of wrestling look at least a little gay.