
It’s funny how you’ve got everyone repeating one Tywin Lannister line from season 1, and a lot of people seem to have forgotten where it comes from.

What pff does is it takes qualitative impressions and average them together into a sort of pseudo quantitative analysis. It’s not necessarily a bad thing- for a lot of projects at work, that’s the closest we can get to something objective. But people shouldn’t be treating it as cold hard football facts or anything

He plays Donald Trump better than Donald Trump.

Who the fuck puts a rowing machine on their giant yacht? Especially a giant yacht that has a special launch bay for smaller boats, like a scull or something.

It couldjust be that you’ve developed a tolerance to stimulants. Some of the dosages I’ve seen doctors prescribe to ADD suffering teenagers are ridiculous

We’re always discovering something new in every field. But we know, and have known for some time, the locations and orbits of most major bodies in our solar system and what they’ll be like in a million years. We know the shape of the galaxy and it’s general rate of expansion. We have a general idea of how a cluster of

Really? I was under the impression that we know quite ea bit more about stellar orbital mechanics than we do about biochemistry of the brain.

breaking news:

That’s standard operating procedure for Russians, especially on the internet.

Breaking News:

So the movie will be entertaining, but empty and dumber the more you think about it?

yeah so? It’s a me problem that means I won’t be getting a phone without a headphone jack. And I’m not the only one.

It’s an old technology, but it’s far from an obsolete technology. Other really old technologies: ballpoint pens, soda/beer cans, glass bottles, sliced bread, steel...

Why would I get bluetooth headphones? regular headphones plug into my phone, computer and anybody else’s phone. They’re cheap to replace, and harder to lose than bluetooth headphones.

Is it going to have a goddamned headphone jack? Because otherwise I’m switching to Android.

I add a few pieces of overripe fruit to the mix. I take that’s not necessary?

the thing is that all early Protestants believed in some kind of predestination, including Luther. They just didn’t emphasize it as much as Calvin did.

But correlation does not equal Caucasian.

How much does a mid level boxer make compared to a mid level mma fighter? I remember reading that boxing still has higher gross revenue than mma does, but maybe there’s a lot more professional boxing going on due to the sports decentralized nature.

I’m honestly not sure if you’re joking