Dick Best

you do realize that Jeb is married to a Mexican, right?

thanks for reminding me to hit the Polish bakery next wednesday

if they failed for coke, they deserved to get sent home. if they got busted for weed... thin ice or no, kinda lame.

For when good enough is good enough.

This year’s winter offering from 3 Floyds: Alpha Klaus Christmas Porter and Lord Rear Admiral ESB. I’ll let you know how they taste after X-mas. I know they will be delicious just not how much.

he chose some shandy crap over something dogfishhead because why then?

you’ve been missing out. on a lot of beers and brewers now that I think about it for half a second. I’m in WI.

edited to add.

better than Hillary... according to JEB!

Kissinger’s favorite!

your anger is misdirected; you should save it for those more deserving.

you’re right; how dare I advocate for all children and not just the girls. that obviously makes me sexist (and racist too, who knew?)

I didn’t say that.

um, thanks, I guess.

I didn’t say that. but, nice try.

ok, fine. let’s discuss the concept of consent, a frequent topic on this forum. we aren’t talking about men and women here. we are talking about children, who, by definition, can not consent. if there were some other bizarro religious practice that involved amputating the fingers or toes or ears or what have you from

there is an epidemic of genital mutilation in THIS country. the hood is (essentially) the clitoral foreskin. no one would advocate removing the hood. that’s the point.

not an MRA. just don’t understand why people still think it’s okay to mutilate little boys. to look like daddy or whatever BS reason they use to justify it. what if it was “just the clitoral hood” would it be okay?

here’s an idea; let’s ban ALL genital mutilation.

I can un-funny it for you.