Fewer top roles yet still a disproportionate number of awards.
Fewer top roles yet still a disproportionate number of awards.
No, why? What does it say?
If only a judge could order people to stop shoplifting. Now that would really be something.
I’m reading a book called Be Happy. I highly recommend it.
Oh you’re not being honest. That was clever. ADMIT IT!
The us pop is vastly white, troll. Jesus open a book, gain some knowledge. Minority and majority have meanings you might find relevant.
Yeah but your tummy tuck didn’t make you look like you were going into the witness protection program.
Bless your heart.
He looks younger than her, try again.
Sorry sizzlechest, men and women are different. Always have been, always will be. This is probably why feminists are so angry all the time. Deep down you know disparate treatment is inevitable, yet you persist — the unstoppable force against the immovable object.
Nah. Destiny’s Child is overrated.
blacks are overrepresented in hollywood proportionate to US pop. sorry you hate facts you don’t like and swallowed that #oscarsowhite bullshit.
but that’s been Gawker/Jezebel’s MO??
oh bae u so wok
wait, I thought we are supposed to hate James Franco?
As do blacks. Only ones getting “screwed” are latinos and asians.
If that’s true, Gawker/Jezebel is ebola.
I feel blessed that I have no idea who these people are.
all races do this stupid shit. and I think you’re crazy if you think she’ll ever work in the industry again because she’s white.