yeah, ok.gif

Oh sure! A white guy does it and he’s mentally ill.


This is the first time I’ve agreed with you.

sorry am not good with jokes how did i get here?

You’re wrong; bye.

sorry I can get a little carried away sometimes.

I’m guessing she thinks shes going to get rich from her memoir, but I really doubt it.

Everyone knows we don’t need white history month because white people wrote the damn history book.

so? no one can ever be an underdog unless their ancestors were slaves? fuck off with that bs, you racebaiter.

Fun playing with you too racist segregationist.

Not following you...who is ‘us’ and why am I afraid?

tell that to your fellow commenters.

uh, it’s a play on #brexit, but with a #p, get it?

Whatever you say, Jim Crow.

She comes off sounding like the things she hates in her unhinged rant.

Enjoy never working again!

Oh, don’t you feel stupid now. It’s her YA novel.

Minorities aren’t the majority, sorry!

don’t care, it’s a story not a documentary.

Care to share Caity Weaver’s resignation letter?