
Who's to say Fran actually sent the message though? If you control the mail system you can send messages as anyone

Except society inherently approves of those things, so if there were less men to do those things, they’d just be replaced by more women doing those things.

Not boys, but “good ol boys” and network of both rich and poor that supports it.

Don’t talk to me before I drink my coffee!

“Ms. Townsend should not be blamed for this mistake.”

I was confused about this as well! And I’ve got a query out to Microsoft about it, but who knows when they’ll get back to me. Of course we’ll be putting something on the page the second I find out.

Reminder that white privilege, capitalism, and how often boys are raised in the US creates these kind of people: literal demons in suits.

I don’t understand if they’ve even given us an option to filter for a specific gametype or map when matchmaking. I appreciate it’s “beta” but the menu is so confusing I can’t tell if it’s meant to be there or not.

Both of the big Microsoft releases have bafflingly complex and unintuitive menu systems. FH5 is arguably even worse than Infinite, but they both feel off. In kind of opposite ways. Infinite feels almost too spartan (lol) to tell what is going to take you to what, and FH5 is just total sensory overload, no

At least he's taking pressure off of Rockstar today

The scoreboard is visible on PC.. so no, it wasn’t done on purpose, you lying dork

Don’t forget like half as many gadgets and no sea vehicles whatsoever (as far as I’ve seen; would love to be wrong).

you can’t see the stats of anyone other than the people in your squad. there’s no scoreboard”

The size of the map and player count feels so strange. Hop in helicopter or jet and you would think there is about 20 people on the whole map. It’s so big but it feels like the players are somehow hidden from view. I was wondering if there was a scoreboard but like you said, there isn't one. It feels so unfinished. 

for having 128 players per match, battlefield has never felt more lonely. you can’t see the stats of anyone other than the people in your squad. there’s no scoreboard. there’s no voice chat. spotting is next to useless. oh, and if you don’t like the squad you’re on, too bad, there’s no way to switch to a different one!

I got in early on battlefield V and it was the same story. Stuff changing every week to the point i would come home and plan to wait for an update.

As someone that don’t usually enjoy PvP shooters, I’ve been having a blast with Halo Infinite. Try out the big team battle and just don’t take it too seriously. Grab a warthog, honk until someone grab the turret, and just go on a joy ride (or the other way around). Pure chaos fun.

People apparently complained in the beta that the guns didn’t have any recoil (which doesn’t make sense to me- the AK24 seemed to have recoil just fine), so DICE radically overcorrected and now every gun seems to have randomized bloom where your shots can just go about everywhere.

One of the entire things I liked about

Tried the beta and hated it. Even with the increased player counts the map felt so lifeless and empty, the cross-play maybe could work if the lag wasn’t godawful, the bugs sap what little joy you could find, and much like all of them post-BF3/BC2 the increased popularity has eroded the cohesive objective-based

Looks like a rehash of everything FromSoft has already done. New kind of game when?