

Um where are the links to what happened to him in jail. You are stuck on stupid. Try again


You don’t understand how analogies work do you?

Except these dudes essentially ambushed both sets of cops in the stories.

You’re right. I have dozens of such examples bookmarked. It’s hilarious how often people like you will spew nonsense about how “black men are routinely shot for breathing while white men point guns at cops and live” all the while completely oblivious to how often black people do the exact same thing and don’t die. I

Black man murders white female cop, shoots two other cops, after killing his wife. Then he’s arrested without any physical harm coming to him. Did I mention he’s black?

Also, the cop that used his taser is white. So basically, black cop uses lethal force while his white parter uses a taser, but white supremacy is to blame (even though white people are killed like this every year).

The cop that shot him was black. The whitish cop used his taser.

It baffles my mind how these black men lived.

The cop that shot him was black/black cops are more likely to shoot unarmed black men/everyone is dying

Different cop? Or the cop was white and not black?

I can cherry pick too.

Black man murders white female cop, shoots two other cops, after killing his wife. Then he’s arrested without any physical harm coming to him. Did I mention he’s black?

The cop that shot him is black.

Suicide by cop is a thing.

That’s a petty list of “hate crimes” there. How about all the anti-white hate crimes inspired by Black Lives Matter, like the 9 racially motivated murders of cops and civilians this year? Or all the racially motivated assaults perpetrated by “protestors” during the Milwaukee riots? You can watch just one of the many

The only people that were determined to be liars in the Michael Brown case were the “witnesses” who alleged that Brown was murdered with his hands up. Did you ever bother to read the DOJ report on the incident?

What evidence to the contrary?

Earlier casualties are now thought to have been underestimated, and currently up to 300 people are thought to have been killed.