
A+ choice of Kylie pic. Just perfect

You can ask to answer in the judge’s chambers and not in open court.

Here’s a hint Diddy - your son is in college. Stay off campus (except for Parents’ Day) and let him take care of his problems with his coach himself. It’s not your business. You show up, they’re going to throw you out. They really don’t care who you are.

It is hard not to be sympathetic to your POV. But, on the other hand, the people who are fucking over the actors are much more rich and getting richer by fucking over actors/writers/directors.

I don’t know why you’d make a big deal of Jaime King doing something similar to what Taylor Swift did. I mean, just because two people who are in close proximity or friends decide to have similar purchasing habits or opinions or voting patterns it doesn’t mean that one of them is controlling the other one by means

Wait, who’s saying that views on Hulu/Netflix etc. aren’t quantifiable? Shouldn’t those statistics be like, 1000 times more accurate that the ones that are presumable gathered from Neilsen ratings? How does Hulu know what to charge their advertisers if they can’t point to how many people are watching a certain show?

On the one hand, yay. It is purely a symbol of hate. That’s the heritage it represents: Our unbroken and ongoing history of white racism. Pull it down, burn it, and start on all the state flags that celebrate the Confederacy. And the streets, towns, monuments, schools, and everything else that celebrates both the

I’m so tired of people bringing their dogs everywhere. YOUR DOG DOESN’T WANT TO GO TO THE MALL.

Sometimes I long for the good old days when airing your grievances with your dad was reserved for when you downed one too many drinks at Christmas. Having to do it in person really made the moment special.

I like how they use minorities and women as a shield against criticism of their racism and sexism using the hashtag “#NotYourShield.”

Also, GG say that women are too sensitive when they are doxxed and threatened with rape, but when they are mildly criticized by a TV show, it’s suddenly horrible? It’s pretty clear who are the wallowers in victimization.

These guys calling people “professional victims,” those are the people insisting their free speech is restricted if they can’t harass fat people, yes?

what a bunch of babies

So, let me get this straight...GG, according to itself, are not the ones who are harassing Wu and Sarkeesian. BUT when Oliver brings those women on to talk about their harassment and no one says Gamgergate, it’s still about Gamergate according to Gamergate.

Netanyahu does that in Hebrew to local audiences.

Agreed. But also, the thing most Americans HATE most in the world is a black man talking about racism. I made the mistake of listening to conservatives talk about him a few days ago and their biggest complaint was that he talks too much about racism. Which is hilarious... because it’s clear that he’s very mindful

Not to keep picking on you, but you’re attitude about the President and the scope of his powers is part of why we have so many problems politically in this country. All of our language describing him as the ‘most powerful person in the world’ not withstanding, the reality is that the President is actually rather

Well, I mean, it’s not even like he’s the first President who used the N-word...

What exactly could he do about it? I sense some “magical Negro” stereotyping in your whining.

God, there’s just something ... wonderful about Janet’s voice. Her music for me is generally ‘blast while raining’ music. Glad to have her back.