Uhhhhhhhhhhhh, “Let’s defund the military by discriminating against people who are transgender” is.... not the progressive idea you seem to think it is, which I think comes clear if you spend more than half a second thinking ab0ut it.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhh, “Let’s defund the military by discriminating against people who are transgender” is.... not the progressive idea you seem to think it is, which I think comes clear if you spend more than half a second thinking ab0ut it.
Came here to point this out. For some reason I only post here to make petty comments about perceived slights toward Chicago.
Oh, I know. Just a bad photo.
Suppose that makes sense but Clark often looks like that when the Cubs aren’t playing.
Oh, I know it’s Chicago, just not a picture of much.
“Is the pandemic really making your life so boring that you come and pick ridiculous fights with strangers”
I suppose that is a picture taken in Chicago, sure.
It is incredibly unlikely your husband has records that are either better or cooler than All Eyez On Me or Anti and I hope you realize that.
It hasn’t been about religion for a very long time.
I think there was a similar study a few years back suggesting that it’s not sadness so much as emotional complexity that people prefer these days.
You’re not wrong that it’s patriarchal nonsense, but I think you’re forgetting how greased the track is. It might sound like self-deception and rationalization for a feminist-minded woman to say “Oh I hate my family” etc. to explain why she took her husband’s name, but chances are those are actually well-considered…
I assume it’s already out there but will not be conducting the google search to confirm this.
jesus fucking christ just let cartoons be cartoons
Well these abused and neglected young adults MUST be taking jobs from hardworking americans, otherwise this would expose the whole “trumpist anti-immigration sentiment is about economics not xenophobia and racism” as some hollow lie.
Can’t be a church when your allegiance isn’t to god.
I dunno, at least 80 more minutes of movie.
I’ll endure.
Liv Tyler sure as hell didn’t look like anyone that anyone knew at anytime.