Thank you kindly, stranger.
Thank you kindly, stranger.
Ann Coulter: Horrible Shit Stain Sack of Shit, Yesterday, Today and Into Eternity
Since when do we expect GQ to take women seriously?
I think they make have confused True Detective for True Blood...
The funny thing is, conceal carry is perfectly legal in SC, and can even be allowed in houses of worship if permission is granted by an appropriate official. So, this jack-asses victim blaming nonsense is just plain incorrect. He might have voted against concealed carry but it passed anyway. So unless someone wants to…
“Why not publish a photo of Dylann Roof, the racist shooter of those nine victims? Don’t bury the lede.”
The fact that Stormfront and Fox News are both pushing the “War on Christians” narrative is both deeply disturbing, yet completely unsurprising.
What is this picture of Taylor Kitsch?! I feel like it invalidates your whole argument!…. this is the Brown one. it’s not a news story, exactly— more a feature.
If he went in there in a Klan hood and burned a cross in front of the church afterwards, conservatives would just say he was wearing a Muslim prayer carpet on his head and the flaming cross was really a “t” for “transgender pride.” These people are dangerously deluded and hopelessly moronic.
Yes, I’m sure that when he said, “You’re raping our women and taking over our country,” he was mad about Christians. That’s definitely it.
Cynthia Hurd was a librarian for 31 years and a dedicated public servant. Say her name. Remember her.
Crazy that we now live in a world where people have a direct line to tell the pope “ur gay.” What an age!
“Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, a Catholic with a history of criticizing Pope Francis, says the pope should leave science to the scientists. “The church has gotten it wrong a few times on science,” he told Dom Giordano, a radio host in Philadelphia, earlier this month. “And I think that we are probably better…
Ex Cathedra is supposed to be spiritual, not scientific. stay in your lane.
I understand your point, but it is an inherent good that he will be forced to stand trial for his crimes.
Guys I’m beginning to suspect Tyga isn’t a great person.
Calling it now: Ayn Rand.