This is all being done on Tranquility. The SiSi part was him talking about testing his theories and his designs before everything went like. Everything else was done on the live server.
This is all being done on Tranquility. The SiSi part was him talking about testing his theories and his designs before everything went like. Everything else was done on the live server.
I think BoRn2ReIgN would disagree with you about the sad part.. He sent me a message just this morning, telling me he’s got his third ship set up and ready to go, as well as a new strategy to avoid getting ganked while entering/exiting.
This. A million times this.
Every day, hundreds of millions of Americans play the game - go to work, earn money, spend money, repeat. Save a little coin along the way and one day you retire. That’s the way the game has always been played.
But yet, when we look at those who have been more successful at playing the exact…
That’s what kills me about people writing “articles” like this. What business is it of theirs how much someone chooses to give away, or who they give it to? No one made Bezos give that money away, so no matter if it was $1 or $2,000,000,000, it’s up to him to decide if and how he wants to use his money.
So he would have been better off keeping the $2 billion and doing nothing with it? I mean there are plenty of appropriate grievances to be aired towards Bezos. Be better Hamno. This is fucking weaksauce.