
On the one hand, looks like I didn’t miss anything major. On the other... sigh, video games used to be so interesting fifteen years ago. But now... How is red dead 2 substantially different from GTA3? Assassin’s Creed from ... well the first one, God of War, Hitman 2, Destiny 2, same thing. I liked into the breach and

oh god, Mankrik’s wife and raptor heads all over again? No thx. Are they going to do the dungeons too? Are Wailing Caverns and Razorfen back?

Keep in mind that the vast majority of this “net worth” is due to the value of his company’s shares growing. While I see the point that nobody needs this kind of net worth, imagine if we taxed incremental gains more heavily and sometime around 2004 the diminishing return curve made it a total waste of time to keep

That’s... just not how it works. If you could hire more people every time a new problem cropped up, that cash cow wouldn’t be a cash cow. And furthermore, good people are not interchangeable. You can’t just drop new people into a problem with no context and hope to maintain product quality standards.

One day we will discover that our universe is just one big Pac-Man experiment, and Earth is just a power pellet waiting to be devoured by the cosmic version of a ciliate on its way to hunt some ghosts.

Hah, if you thought crushing on Haley was soul-crushing, just wait until you try to win over Emily... That’s a *true* lost cause :)