
I’m voting for impeaching Kavanaugh for lying to Congress and Thomas for that thing you said. I’m with Jay Inslee on this, as well: it’s time to blow up the filibuster. I’m for expanding the number of judges on the Federal Courts and impeaching whichever Trump appointees did not tell the exact truth on their

Wasn’t Pete Buttigieg one of the first people to mention this? I know he’s a huge longshot but I’m disheartened his candidacy isn’t getting more attention.

Whilst I totally tired of the game after a while (not a slight on it, just don’t like doing the same thing much too often) I feel like this a bit misses the point (or missed the point of what was fun for me).

Well I’m always looking for creative new ways to tell the world I’m an unfun prick who hates other people’s fun so this seems like a great thing to donate money to!

but it makes me feel superior! 

Just a gentle reminder to commenters that Cards Against Humanity is an extremely progressive, charitable company that supports lots of awesome causes and has been making a very active, vocal effort to encourage humor that “punches up, not down.” (And IMO, the game itself is very fun as long as you play with the right

that’s the problem with polling though, one of the more interesting races in 18 was Marsha Blackburn and Phil Bredesen in TN, and he was leading her in many many polls through the summer, and I had noticed that regardless of the polling all the major polling services still said toss up or lean R, the thing is

He is a lot like Booker; youthful, extremely well spoken, and full of hot air. As I said when Booker made his first post-announcement interview appearance: Never has so little been said so eloquently. Meanwhile, the real deal policy wonk is turning out to be Pete Buttigieg!

Man has been calling himself Beto, I’m calling him Beto. Like, what is the actual point of calling him “Robert McGarnacle Tam’O’Shantern O’Rourke?” Is it the Drumpf thing for this election cycle?

Oh cool, we’re going to do the Barry Sotero thing, but from the left. Love political discourse in 2019.

I am very annoyed that he is choosing not to run for Senate. He’s a great Democrat for Texas; his lack of concrete ideas is exactly how a Democrat can win in a red state. But for the national Democratic Party he is not experienced enough nor policy-driven enough to be a serious contender for the Presidency.

I think they feel now is the time to strike. Trump is likely to be extremely vulnerable come 2020, and it gives a lot of Democrats confidence that they can win, as well as less confidence that there will be another shot until 2028.

I call him every night and just hangs up on me. So rude.

The most revealing moment came when a local man asked him about a Siemens factory in town that had shut down, and how he planned to keep those types of jobs in America.

It’s probably a tad early in the cycle to expect too many ideas by any of the candidates. Really it’s about building a brand which can generate as much cash as humanly possible. Ideas should start coming out in late summer into fall. Then the candidates will start dropping like flies.  The only real exceptions are

“Then he took questions. It’s good that he took questions.”

Beto is certainly likable and I wish him well in his life. But I don’t suspect he’ll be the person I support come primary time. Not unless he espouses some actual ideas.

People seem to hate on Booker because he seems “out of touch” I guess? Because he’s got a super clean lifestyle, is a teetotaler, doesn’t have any obvious dirt on him politically and just seems genuinely nice. I personally think it’s not a terrible thing to be, as a politician. But it’s not that personally relatable

Could this shitheel possibly believe that the police, military, and bikers are three groups that DON’t play it tough? They almost exclusively traffic in intimidation.

The sport’s biggest problem is the unwritten rules. The game is a LOT more fun to watch when the players are having a good time. With the World Baseball Classic from a couple of years ago having unofficially suspended the unwritten rules, the games were a lot of fun to watch, because the players were having fun! MLB