
Who knew the crazy train was also the gravy train?

The economy was growing well before obama left the white house. But sure, three months of Trump has totally turned this thing around

Yes. Its super easy. . . . . you have the House and the Senate and changed the rules to get him in. . . . good job?


Bingo. It makes their sad lives not sad, because they are on to something that all the other sheeple aren’t which makes them wicked smart and one of the few who gets it

HamNo is a fucking joke

No I was watching it. He elaborated later about how all they were showing while they were talking was that footage and remarked about how the footage provided by the pentagon was effective in its messaging. He was very clearly pointing out that the images are propaganda.

They didn’t make Bulletstorm

I enjoy some of the pop culture stuff on the ringer. The sports stuff is mostly a miss and the whole thing is a yuge step down from Grantland

ok then

Lol thats pretty bad. Trying to shoe horn in moral ambiguity in the worst possible way.

good kitties

I hoping the improvments they made on D1 will make D2 a significantly better game at launch than the original.

So I’ve fallen out of WWE for years now but I had a roommate in college who was really into it and got a gig announcing for some wrestling thing in FL after graduation. I never knew how deep the analysis got with it and this thread is fascinating to me. So to a lay person, what is it that makes someone a “good

If only your nephew was the current president

I probably could have skipped House of Wolves and not missed much. The Prison of Elders was not nearly as satisfying as the raids