
The quote about the confusing defensive schemes makes me think the problem was likely with his brother. The same sentiments were heard after Rob left the Cowboys. I knew Rex was done the minute he brought in Rob. That dude just hasn’t been a good coordinator.

You win.

That’s what I was about to say. So cool!

Where did Final Fantasy touch you?


Middle school was tough on me too. Don’t worry bud it gets better.

I have to swallow my own contempt when I tell people that I think Fallon is good at what he does.

Just played Virginia the other day. That soundtrack was amazing

This was quite literally me after coming back from college not playing pc games. I made a “cake is a lie” fb post in 2010. My brother sent me this comic as a response

Time for you to stop now

Post game FF XV. Gotta say, the talk about the story dropping the ball was all true. I desperately wanted it not to be but other than having an awesome main villain the story in the second half was not well done at all. Luckily the main villain is one of the most important parts of a JRPG story and the ending was

Agreed. “Empire? What happened to it? Don’t worry about that” However they nailed the bad guy and thats like 70% of the story in a jrpg. Now they need to fix the other 30%.

Lol. You right

You are out of your element

I don’t think thats what he said in any way

Haughty, yet devoid of insight

*head explodes*

more people voted for Clinton

People are expressing their grief. Calm the fuck down. Fuck 2016

wait . . . whut