
DIck move

Worked for Trump

I think winning a record amount of games last year then signing a top 5 talent makes you a pretty easy target for hate

I love it when he does it in the middle of a dungeon. Just slayed some massive monster on the way to reclaim a royal weapon. “I’ve come up with a new recipe!”. Um, damn Ignis. I mean thats cool but now doesn’t seem like the time to be thinking about food.

You’re about 5% of the way through. Give it some time before you start comparing it to XIII. That’s just mean.

I think they aren’t particularly well drawn but I find them endearing in the small stuff, Remarking on the weather or talking about some plot event that just happened. They all (other than Prompto) are in service to Noctis so there’s not a lot of room to create tension as they are duty bound. Threre is a scene you

I think the Giants after 2011. They haven’t made the playoffs again until this year

Just so you know, I won. Don’t listen to anything he says otherwise.

As a Cowboys fan, you are absolutely right

Plus the board game style overmap and the online wars. I loved it.

It was easily my favorite of the series. FIGHT ME.

Grand Kingdom is a gem. In an era where a lot of games are trying to be like each other it was refreshing to find something so offbeat and different.

Swing and a miss

Boy you were wrong on that one

Good Dog

Now playing

It’s so good though. Just strange as hell. I’m just gonna leave it here for you.

game. set. match.


Crysis 2 was underrated in my opinion. As someone who can take or leave FPS games I thought it was a gem. Gorgeous NYC setting, punchy gameplay amazing sound design, and a delightfully weird story. I loved that the main character was essentially a sack of meat being held up by the suit.