
To each its own. If you have any interests in anthropology, urban development, architecture, flora or art, you can find something interesting. Did you notice the small easter egg art installations that changes periodically? They may be hidden between bushes, tucked to the side, etc.

Never had anything to do with the tourism industry. Lived in NYC or NYC greater metro area since I was 3 years old. And I will fully admit I have not scratched even the slightest portion of interesting sights and things to do in NYC.

What you describe sounds a lot like wattle construction. Basically, studs or sticks with interweaving slats with a plaster coating. The most basic form are just vertical poles with interweaving wood (like branches or vines) with a mud or clay coating.

Based on some (far from all) of the comments, it seems like the definition of cynical is warranted.

I never take visitors to the Statue of Liberty, but I always try to take them on a ride on the Staten Island Ferry if there is time. And the Wall Street Bull (just a quick glance, 9-11 Memorial, and sidewalk of Broadway for the plaques of every ticker tape parade. They are all a few minutes walk to each other.

A friend of mine has a big problem. The walls of his house is plaster, not sheet rock. That in itself is not bad, but the origial owner used a wire mess so the plaster would adhere to the walls. His rooms are effectively faraday cages with the exception of the windows and doors. This sucks for wifi, but his

What?! “Stand Your Ground” is not a recommended course of action?

While not necessarily good, can you say other places are not worse? lol

For those who say it is a water displacer, Yes, WD-40 was originally developed as water displacer, which is what the WD stands for. FYI, on skins of rockets/missiles originally. While it functions as a water displacement, it is physically made up of volitile oils, which was what I intended to say.

I the rust is on something like a shovel, pick, edger or axe, just use it normally and then clean up afterwards. You will likely get rid of much of the rust while using it.

Technically, WD-40 is not a degreaser. It is a penetrating oil. However, it can be used to clean oily gunk. Oil based gunk dissolves in oil. That is a trick I used to clean my hands after working on my car (decades agos). I used cooking oil to work loose most of the more stubborn oil stains on my hands, wipe off with

If certain chicken breeds lay one color eggs and other chicken breeds lay another color, is there a difference in taste or other egg quality between breeds?

I wonder if that is related to the Book of Mormons and Israeli tribes that came to America, the Nephites and Lamanites. There was something about Lamanites sinning or turning away from God so God cursed that tribe with dark skinned. When those Lamanites returned to God, God lifted their curse and whitened their skin.

I used the technique mentioned when there is little wind. In a blizzard, I always start upwind and blow the snow with the wind. More accurately, I aim the snow slightly downwind and upward and let the wind take it.

To be fair, the article does not say to eliminate the use of baxes, just use less boxes because there may be better or cheaper alternatives.

It is a lack of experience and not knowing what to do when you find yourself in totally unfamiliar experience. A couple of decades ago, Virginia would get soem flurries every few years and once every 10 years or so get a couple of inches of snow. Many of the people in the cars probably never even went camping except

If the police are any way competent, it will not be easy to tell, particularly with regards to undercover cops.

It isn’t just the airlines. The main impetus is actually due to frontline workers like medical staff (especially in overloaded hospitals) and transit workers (buses, subways, train, etc.). In some areas, transit schedules have been reduced because of too many workers getting sick.

In NYC? The pigeons I am referring to are the ones living off of trash under bridges and overpasses, not the ones being fed in parks, which also depends on the park in question. They also have to fight off mice and rats raiding their eggs. They nest in filth.

That may be true for those kept as pets and in the rural areas, but it is definitely not true for the ones in the NYC.