
Be careful of using too much boiling water for your toilet. Using too much boiling water can partially melt older toilet gaskets/seals (between toilet and pipe), which is a donut made of bees wax. 

Be careful of using too much boiling water for your toilet. Using too much boiling water can partially melt older toi

If there are limitations, it is the vendors responsibility to make limitations known.

Not for some families, or for a large group of high school or college kids.

I don’t make it that consistently custardy, or that custardy in general. I do use low heat (though not that low because I can’t wait that long), but I also add in a whole egg that I scramble (more like break and move around) in the pan. This allows fora custardy matrix with little areas of mostly egg whites or yolks

Everyone seems to be missing the point of Dr. Kamiya’s post. He is not saying the court was correct with regards to the use of the term “perform”. In fact, he agrees that it wasn’t performed correctly.

I am sure there was a lot more, but they weren’t “major” positions.

“Over time, I have acquired the ability to do a lot of stuff I hate doing. I have come to the realization I should focus on doing stuff I like doing, rather than what I can do.”

Look at old problems with new eyes. Which is easy to say and hard to do. lol

I keep a compact heavy duty air compressor/tire inflator in the trunk of my car. It doesn’t take up much room and has come in handy several times. I can top off pretty much anytime, anywhere.

I screwed up. The initial pressure was 30 PSI.

Consumer Reports did an experiment on this. After a year long test, the air filled tires lost on average 1.3 psi more than the nitrogen filled tires, form an initial 20 psi. I definitely would not pay for the nitrogen. Maybe if i t was free.

So is it closed or closing?

The steaks were mediocre, but it wasn’t like we could afford Peter Luger, Keen’s, or Morton’s back in High School. Tad’s was it. Everything else was out of our reach by a good margin.

This was before they had a bunch of bottled drinks, except for soda. Drinks, to include wine, were pre-poured into a glass and saran wrapped to keep the dust and roaches out. It also prevented spillage for those who were not that steady with their trays. 

I gave up on the show into the 5th season. It started getting too emo.

This reminds me of some people that would buy an expensive car for its prestige value, but will then drive around for over an hour looking for free street parking.

While WD-40 is made up of several oils, or is at least petroleum/oil based (to include some mineral oil), it is much more refined than “grease” and is much less likely to leave a stain.

Looks like a BMW designed by a beaver.

Building an elevated heavy transit system (and NYCT is heavy) is dead to arrival in NYC. About the only way to build such a line would be over a major expressway or parkway. It would never get past the environmental review. The only elevated rail line that is whisper quiet is the dedicated Air Train from Jamaica

In the North East Corridor, the tracks are shared, except for the high speed trains. They get their own rail due to the need for it to be super smooth and super straight. However, there is much more passenger rail than freight. Freight often gets scheduled to off peak times. Also, the freight trains are way shorter